ODONATOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS is a special abstracting service of
the journal Odonatologica, the international
journal of Foundation S.I.O.
OA is collecting the odonatological publications on a worldwide
base. Up to now, about 11.766 references have been
On this webpage you find the complete references of
OA 10.910-11.493 from ODONATOLOGICA Vol. 26 (1997), but not the
abstracts and authors addresses.
- (10910) HUHTALA, K., J. ITÄMIES & H.
MIKKOLA, 1977. Beitrag zur Brutbiologie und Ernährung
des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Österbotten,
Finnland. Beitr. Vogelk. 23(3):
MUZÓN, 1987. Dinamica poblacional de estadio larvales
de Odonata en ambientes lenticos de la Selva Marginal de
Punta Lara (prov. de Buenos Aires). Resum. 1 Congr.
argent. Ent., Tucuman, p. 55.
- (10912) VINER, M.J., 1989. Slovenske
narodne vezenine, izbrala in za tisk pripravila Marjana
Korber. - [Slovene folk-embroidery patterns,
selected and edited by Marjana Korber]. Ognjie,
Koper. (Slovene).
- (10913) ALLEN J., 1990. The designer's
guide to samurai patterns. Thames & Hudson, London.
ii+132 pp.
- (10914) FISEL, E., U FISEL, K. KÖNIG, W.
WERRES, 1992. Libellen. In: E. Fisel et al., Arten-
und Biotopschutzprogramm Bayern: Stadt Erlangen, pp. 154-160,
Bayer. Staatsminist. Landesentwicklung u. Umweltfragen,
- (10915) ANDREW, R.J. & D.B. TEMBHARE, 1993.
Structure and development of the internal male reproductive
organs in the dragonfly Tramea virginia (Rambur). Funct.
develop. Morphol. 3(2): 121-127.
- (10916) DUNHAM, M.L., 1993. Fighting and
territorial behavior in the dragonfly Pachydiplax
longipennis. PhD thesis, Brown Univ., Providence/RI. 98
- (10917) PARKER, D.W., 1993. Emergence
phenologies and patterns of aquatic insects inhabiting a
prairie pond. PhD thesis, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
194 pp. ISBN 0-315-82986-8. Order No. DANN82986, UMI Diss.
Serv., 300 North Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346,
- (10918) RUNCK, C., 1993. Influence of
invertebrate predation on behavior and energy flow in a
freshwater animal community. PhD thesis, North Arizona
Univ., Flagstaff. 130 pp.
1993. Inventarisatierapport van de libellen bij een
aantal Oisterwijkse vennen en laaglandbeken, 1993. -
[Report on the 1993 dragonfly surveys in some moors and
lowland streams near Oisterwijk]. Heeffer, Riel, iv+45
pp. (Dutch).
- (10920) THOMPSON, D.J. & J. VAN TOL, 1993.
Damselflies and dragonflies from four forest types in Brunei.
Brunei Mus. J. 8: 57-72. (With Malay
- (10921) WRIGHT, J.W., 1993. Effects of fish
predation on macroinvertebrate community structure. PhD
thesis, George Mason Univ., Fairfax/VA. 68 pp.
- (10922) ANDREW, R.J. & D.B. TEMBHARE, 1994.
Functional morphology and development of the primary external
genitalia of the male dragonfly Tramea virginia (Rambur)
(Libellulidae: Odonata). Ann. Ent. 12(1):
- (10923) FITZSTEPHENS, D.M., 1994. Color as a
reliable signal of fighting ability in male damselflies,
Calopteryx maculata. PhD thesis, Michigan St. Univ.,
East Lansing. 63 pp.
- (10924) LUGO SOTO, M.E. & A.
FERNÁNDEZ-BADILLO, 1994. Cambios en composicion y
diversidad de la entomofauna del Rio Gûey, Parque
Nacional Henri Pittier, estado Aragua, Venezuela. Boln
Ent. venez. (N.S.) 9(1): 25-32. (With Engl.
- (10925) MARTÍN ALBALADEJO, C., 1994.
Bibliografía entomológica de autores
españoles (1758-1990). Docum. Fauna iber. 1:
- (10926) NUYTS, E., 1994. Modelling in
behavioural ecology: the optimal copulation duration in
insects and the fighting strategy in the black-headed
hull. PhD thesis, Limburgs Univ. Cent., Diepenbeek. 209
- (10927) ROBLE, S.M., 1994. A preliminary
checklist of the damselflies of Virginia, with notes on
distribution and seasonality (Odonata: Zygoptera).
Banisteria 4: 3-23.
- (10928) ROBLE, S.M. & P.H. STEVENSON, 1994.
Rediscovery of the dragonfly Nannothemis bella Uhler in
Virginia (Odonata: Libellulidae). Banisteria 3:
- (10929) SCHWEIGER-CHWALA, E., 1994. Die
Odonatenfauna der Oberen Lobau in Wien. Repräsentative
Artenspektrum und Zönosen ausgewählter
Gewässerabschnitte. Diss. Doktor Phil., Univ. Wien.
iv+177 pp. (With Engl. s.).
- (10930) TAYLOR, P.D., 1994. Responses of a
forest damselfly to differences in landscape structure
arising from habitat fragmentation. PhD thesis, Carleton
Univ., Ottawa. 114 pp. ISBN 0-315-89778-3. Order No.
DANN89778, UMI Diss. Serv., 300 North Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
48106-1346, USA.
CULTURE]. [Newsletter of the Nakamura Dragonfly
Kingdom], Nakamura, 1994. Nos 51 (cf. OA 10516), 52
(12 pp., Apr. 20), 53 (10 pp., June 25), 54 (10 pp., Aug.
25), 55 (10 pp., Oct. 25), 56 (10 pp., Dec. 20).
- (10932) BURTON, J.F., 1995. The flora and fauna
of Elmstead Wood and Sundridge Park, Bromley, south-east
London, in the 1940s, with some earlier and later records.
Lond. Naturalist 74: 83-112.
- (10933) HEEFFER, J., 1995. Libellen
inventarisatie Goirle, 1994. - [Dragonfly survey at
Goirle, 1994]. Heeffer, Riel. iv+16 pp.
- (10934) MACHADO, A.B.M., 1995. Erythrodiplax
leticia sp. n. de libélula do nordeste brasileiro
(Odonata, Libellulidae). Revta bras. Zool. 12(4):
977-982, 2 col. figs incl. (With Engl. s.).
1995. The larva of Neocordulia batesi longipollex Calvert,
1909 (Odonata: Corduliidae). Jl N. Y. ent. Soc.
103(2): 180-184.
- (10936) RAJENDRAN, R., R. REUBEN, S.
problems of intermittent irrigation for control of vector
breeding in rice fields in southern India.Ann. trop. Med.
Parasitol. 89(5): 541-549.
- (10937) SCHNEIDER-JACOBY, M. [translated &
adapted by B. tumberger], 1995.
[Entwicklungskonzept Drau-Mur-Flussökosystem] -
Razvojni koncept renega ekosistema Drava-Mura.
Drutvo za opazovanje in prouevanje ptic Slovenije,
Ljubljana. vi+52 pp. (Slovene).
- (10938) SHARMA, R.K., R. MATHUR & S. SHARMA,
1995. Status and distribution of fauna in National Chambal
Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh. Indian Forester 121(10):
912-916. (With Hindi s.).
- (10939) STEINER, C., 1995. Einfluss von
Prädatoren auf die Larven von Enallagma cyathigerum
(Charpentier, 1840) und Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas,
1771). Dipl.Arb., Zool. Inst., Techn. Univ.
Braunschweig. 81 pp.
- (10940) STEVENSON, D.J., S.M. ROBLE & C.S.
HOBSON, 1995. New records of the damselfly Ischnura prognata
in Virginia.Banisteria 6: 26-27.
CULTURE]. [Newsletter of the Nakamura Dragonfly
Kingdom], Nakamura, 1995. Nos 57 (12 pp., 20 Feb.), 58 (8
pp., Apr. 20), 59 (10 pp., June 25), 60 (8 pp., Aug. 31), 61
(8 pp., Oct. 25). (Jap.).
- (10942) WILDERMUTH, H., 1995. Kleingewässer
in Mooren und ihre Bedeutung für Pflanzen und Tiere.
Hb. Moorschutz Schweiz 1(3.3.2): 1-14.
- (10943) WILDERMUTH, H., 1995. Pflege von
Kleingewässern in Mooren. Hb. Moorschutz
Schweiz 2(2.1.6): 1-10.
- (10944) ZIMMERMANN, W., 1995. Die Libellen an
sechs thüringischen Standgewässern im Vergleich der
Jahre 1969 und 1993. Artenschutzreport 5: 24-27.
(With Engl. s.).
- (10945) ÅBRO, A., 1996. Gregarine infection
of adult Calopteryx virgo L. (Odonata: Zygoptera). J.
nat. Hist. 30: 855-859.
Vienna, Austria, 14-18 July 1996.
Riga, Vol. 3 (1996).
- (10948) ADOMSSENT, M., 1996. 1. Nachtrag zur
lauenburgischen Libellenfauna. Bombus 3(17/20):
- (10949) ADOMSSENT, M., 1996. Zweiter Fund des
Südlichen Blaupfeils, Orthetrum brunneum (Fonscolombe,
1837) in Nordost-Niedersachsen (Odonata: Libellulidae).
Beitr. Naturk. Niedersachs. 49(2): 104-109. (With
Engl. s.).
(SUPPL.), Vol. 1: R. Jödicke, [Ed.], Studies on
Iberian dragonflies (194 pp.), 1 Oct. 1996. Published by
Ursus Scient. Publishers, Bilthoven (P.O. Box 256, NL-3720 AG
- (10951) ALEXANDER, S.A., K.A. HOBSON, C.L.
GRATTO-TREVOR & A.W. DIAMOND, 1996. Conventional and
isotopic determinations of shorebird diets at an inland
stopover: the importance of invertebrates and Potamogeton
pectinatus tubers. Can. J. Zool. 74(6): 1057-1068.
(With Fr. s.).
- (10952) ANAX, WIEN. Mitteilungsblatt der
Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Libellen
(ÖAL), Vol. 1, No. 2 (10 July 1996).
- (10953) ARGIA. The news journal of the
Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Aug.
10, 1996).
- (10954) BECHLY, G.H.P., 1996. Morphologische
Untersuchungen am Flügelgeäder der rezenten
Libellen und deren Stammgruppenvertreter (Insecta; Pterygota;
Odonata) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der
phylogenetischen Systematik und des Grundplanes der Odonata.
Petalura (Spec. Vol.) 2: 1-403. (With Engl. Appendix
on pp. 340-402).
- (10955) BIEDERMANN, J., 1996. Libellen.
In: P. Schurti & W. Ospelt, [Eds], LieLex: ein
Nachschlagwerk zu Liechtenstein, pp. 66-68, LGT Bank in
Liechtenstein, Vaduz.
- (10956) BOGDANOVI, T. 1996. Vretenca
(Odonata) Miljake bare kod sela Nard. - [Dragonflies
(Odonata) of the Miljaka pond near the village of Nard].
M.Sc. thesis, Pedagog. Fac., Univ. Osijek, Osijek. ii+50 pp.
(Croatian, with Engl. s.).
- (10957) BOURGOIN, T., 1996. Phylogénie des
hexapodes. La recherche des synapomorphies ne fait pas
toujours le cladisme! Bull. Soc. zool. Fr. 121(1):
5-20. (With Engl. s.).
- (10958) BURTON, J.F., 1996. Movements of the
dragonfly Libellula quadrimaculata Linnaeus, 1758 in
North-west Europe in 1963 (Odonata, Libellulidae).
Atalanta 27(1/2): 175-187.
- (10959) CALLI, E.R. & A.L. CARVALHO, 1996.
Aspectos de morfologia e biologia de Triacanthagyna septima
(Selys, 1857) (Odonata, Aeshnidae). Resum. 20 Congr.
bras. Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, pp. 49-50.
- (10960) CARNEIRO, S.M.V. & J.M. COSTA, 1996.
Descrição da ninfa de Heteragrion consors Hagen
in Selys, 1862 (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae). Resum. 20
Congr. bras. Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, p.
- (10961) CARVALHO, A.L., 1996. Evidéncias
de um grupo monofilético neotropical de Aeshnidae
(Odonata, Anisoptera).Resum. 20 Congr. bras. Zool.,
Porto Alegre, RS, p. 50.
- (10962) CARVALHO, A.L., 1996. Filogenia das
espécies de Coryphaeschna Wiliamson, 1903 (Odonata,
Aeshnidae). Resum. 20 Congr. bras. Zool., Porto
Alegre, RS, p. 50.
1996. Kitajski papirnati zmaji. - [Chinese kites].
Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana. 36 pp. (Bilingual:
- (10964) CONNIFF, R., 1996. "Dragonflies are
an odd combination of beautiful things".
Smithsonian 27(4): 70-81, cov. phot.
- (10965) COPELAND, R.S., W. OKEKA & P.S.
CORBET, 1996. Treeholes as larval habitat of the dragonfly
Hadrothemis camarensis (Odonata: Libellulidae) in Kakamega
Forest, Kenya. Aquatic Insects 18(3):
- (10966) COSTA, J.M. & C.V. DE ASSIS, 1996.
Trés novos Heteragrion Selys, 1886 do Brasil (Odonata:
Megapodagrionidae). Resum. 20 Congr. bras. Zool.,
Porto Alegre, RS, p. 51.
- (10967) COSTA, J.M., J.R. PUJOL-LUZ, C.V. DE
ASSIS, S.M.V. CARNEIRO & T.C. SANTOS, 1996. Estudo
preliminar da odonatofauna da Ilha da Marambaia, RJ (Insecta:
Odonata). Resum. 20 Congr. bras. Zool., Porto
Alegre, RS, p. 50.
- (10968) DELL'ANNA, L., 1996. Approccio
multidisciplinare allo studio dell'isolamento
riproduttivo tra Chalcolestes viridis e Chalcolestes
parvidens (Insecta: Odonata). Tesi dottorato, Dipto
Biol. Anim., Univ. "La Sapienza", Roma. 57
- (10969) DUMONT, H.J. & H. HEIDARI, 1996. On a
collection of spring Odonata from Iran, with the description
of Coenagrion australocaspicum n. sp. Bull. Annls Soc. r.
belge Ent. 132: 63-78.
- (10970) EK-AMNUAY, P., 1996. Dragonflies and
damselflies from Thailand. Ton-or-Grammy Publishing,
Bangkok. 168 pp. ISBN 974-518-488-8. (Thai, with Engl. title
& taxonomic nomenclature).
- (10971) ENGMANN, S.G., 1996. Zur Limnofauna der
Fliessgewässer im Norden des rheinischen
Braunkohlenreviers. Decheniana 149: 185-204. (With
Engl. s.).
- (10972) ERJAVECIA. [Newsletter of the
Slovene Odonatological Society]. Ljubljana, No. 2 (26 June
1996). (Slovene).
- (10973) EWERS, M., 1996. Zur Biologie und
Ökologie der Sumpf-Heidelibelle Sympetrum
depressiusculum (Selys, 1841) nach Untersuchungen an den
Ahlhorner Fischteichen. Dipl.Arb. Biol., Univ.
Oldenburg. 105 pp.
- (10974) GALLEGOS, D.M.N., L.A.P. CHAVES, A.J.
RIBEIRO, L.H. MARTINS, & A. HIGA, 1996. Entomofauna
aquática do Rio Tibagi, Sertanópolis, 1.
Resum. 20 Congr. bras. Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, p.
- (10975) GHOSH, A.K., 1996. Insect biodiversity in
India. Oriental Insects 30: 1-10.
- (10976) GOMPHUS. Mededelingsblad van de
belgische libellenonderzoekers. - [Bulletin de liaison des
odonatologues belges], Vol. 12, No. 1/2 (May 1996).
(Dutch & Fr.).
& L.F. VALLADARES DIEZ, 1996. The community of Odonata
and aquatic Heteroptera (Gerromorpha and Nepomorpha) in a
rehabilitated wetland: the Laguna de la Nava (Palencia,
Spain). Arch. Hydrobiol. 136(1):
- (10978) GONZÁLEZ SORIANO, E. & R.
NOVELO GUTIÉRREZ, 1996. Odonata. In: J.E.
Llorente Bousquets, A.N. García Aldrete & E.
González Soriano, [Eds], Biodiversidad,
taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos
de México: hacia una síntesis de su
conocimiento, pp. 147-167, Univ. Nac. Autón.
México, Mexico.
- (10979) GRACILE. [Newsletter of
Odonatology]. Published by the Kansai Research Group of
Odonatology, Osaka, No. 55 (20 May 1996). (Jap., with Engl.
- (10980) HAGENIA. Mitteilungsblatt des
Nationalen Büros der SIO in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und der GdO, No. 12 (1 Sept.
- (10981) HEEFFER, J., 1996. Libellen op Huis
ter Heide. - [Dragonflies on the "Huis ter Heide"
estate]. Heeffer, Riel. 20 pp. (Dutch).
- (10982) HEEFFER, J., 1996. Libellen
inventarisatie Goirle, 1995. - [Dragonfly survey at Goirle,
1995]. Heeffer, Goirle. 15 pp. (Dutch).
- (10983) HENNIG, R., 1996. Nachweis der
Helmazurjunger Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier) in
Süd-Westbrandenburg (Odonata). Ent. Nachr. Ber.
40(1): 62-63.
- (10984) HOLDER, M., 1996. The dragonflies and
damselflies of Algonquin Provincial Park. Friends
Algonquin Prov. Park, Whitney/ON. 40 pp. [Algonquin Park
techn. Bull. 11].
- (10985) HUBENOV, Z., 1996. Faunistichno
raznoobrazie na B'lgariya: bezr'bnachni shivotni. -
[Faunistic diversity of Bulgaria: invertebrates].
Historia natur. bulg. 6: 11-16. (Bulg., with Engl.
- (10986) IDF-REPORT. Newsletter of the
International Dragonfly Fund, Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 Sept.
1996). 20 pp. (Text in German).
- (10987) INOUE, K., 1996. Japanese
dragonflies CD-ROM, Tesmic Systems, Osaka. TSCD 50025.
- (10988) JARZEMBOWSKI, E.A. & A. NEL, 1996. A
new genus and species of hawker dragonfly (Aeshnidae) from
the Lower Cretaceous of southern England. Cretaceous
Res. 17(1): 97-101.
- (10989) JARZEMBOWSKI, E.A. & A. NEL, 1996.
New fossil dragonflies from the Lower Cretaceous of SE
England and the phylogeny of the superfamily Libelluloidea
(Insecta: Odonata). Cretaceous Res. 17(1):
- (10990) JÖDICKE, R., 1996. Die Libellen der
niederrheinischen Altwässer (Insecta: Odonata).
Niederrhein. Jb. [1995]: 51-57.
- (10991) JÖDICKE, R., [Ed.], 1996.
Studies on Iberian dragonflies. Ursus, Bilthoven.
194 pp. ISBN 90-73527-03-1. [Advances in Odonatology (Suppl.)
- (10992) JURZITZA, G., 1996. Libellen beobachten.
Kosmos 1996 (July): 66.
- (10993) KARJALAINEN, S., 1996. Rantojen
lentotaiturit. - [Dragonflies, nature's stunt pilots].
Suomen Luonto 55(7): 26-33, cover pp. 1-2 (extra
photographs), 58 (Engl. s.). (Finn., with Engl.
& M.A. JACKSON, 1996. Noctuid moths and other insects
captured in wing-style traps baited with Black Cutworm
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) pheromone on offshore oil platforms
in the Gulf of Mexico, 1988-1991. J. Kans. ent. Soc.
69(1): 17-25.
- (10995) KETTRUP, M., 1996. Effizienskontrolle im
Gewässerauenprogramm. LÖBF-Mitt. [=
Mitt. Landesanst. Ökol. Bodenordn. Forstplan.]
1996(2): 44-49.
- (10996) KOLSHORN, P., 1996. Am kleinen De
Witt-See. Natur-Spiegel, Krefeld 19(2):
- (10997) KOLSHORN, P., 1996. Winterlibelle
entdeckt. Natur-Spiegel, Krefeld 19(2):
- Sympecma fusca is recorded from the
"Scherpenseelschen Mooren" nr Oberkrüchten,
Lower Rhineland, Germany; April 1996.
- (10998) KOTARAC, M., 1996. Namakalni sistem v
Podravju. Presoja vplivov na okolje. Akumulacija Poeg: kaji
pastirji (Odonata). - [Assessment of the impact on
dragonflies (Odonata) by the man-made lake of Poeg in the
irrigation system of the Drava basin, NE Slovenia].
Vodnogospodarski biro, Maribor. 8 pp.
- (10999) KOTARAC, M., 1996. Kaji pastirji
(Odonata). In: K. Poboljaj, D. are &
M. Kotarac, Inventarizacija favne dvoivk (Amphibia), ptiev
(Aves) in kajih pastirjev (Odonata), ter ureditveni pogoji
pri izvedbi zasipanja gramoznice B v Bizoviku, pp. 13-16,
cumulative references pp. 22-23, Prir. Muz. Slov., Ljubljana.
- (11000) KOTARAC, M., 1996. tudija za
oceno vpliva na dvoivke (Amphibia) in akvatino favno
eleznike proge Puconci-Hodo-dravna meja z
Madarsko. Kaji pastirji (Odonata). - [Assessment of the
impact of the railway Puconci-Hodo-Hungarian state
border on the amphibian and aquatic fauna. Dragonflies
(Odonata)]. Prir. Muz. Slov., Ljubljana. 5 pp.
- (11001) KUMAR, Arvind, 1996. Seasonal variations
in the caloric contents of certain predatory insects in a
village fish pond of Santhal Parganas (Bihar). J.
environ. Biol. 17(1): 59-62.
- (11002) LAISTER, G., 1996. Libellenkartierung
Linz fertiggestellt! Öko-L 18(2):
Société française
d'Odonatologie, No. 8 (30 June 1996).
- (11004) LINDEBOOM, M., 1996.
Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Gebänderten Prachtlibelle
Calopteryx splendens (Calopterygidae, Odonata).
Dr.-Diss., FB Biol., Univ. Freiburg, Freiburg/Br., vi+172
- (11005) LOHMANN, H., 1996. Das phylogenetische
System der Anisoptera (Odonata). Ent. Z., Essen
106(6): 209-252, (7): 253-266. (With Engl. s.).
- (11006) MACKENZIE DODDS, R., 1996. The
National Dragonfly Museum at Ashton Mill, Europe's first
dragonfly museum. A guide. Natn. Dragonfly Mus., Ashton
Wold. 16 pp.
- (11007) MARDEN, J.H., M.G. KRAMER & J.
FRISCH, 1996. Age-related variation in body temperature,
thermoregulation and activity in a thermally polymorphic
dragonfly. J. exp. Biol. 199(3):
- (11008) MARTINIA. Bulletin des odonatologues
de France, Vol. 12, No. 2 (June 1996), Suppl. 1 (June
- (11009) MATSUKI, K. & M. SHIBUYA, 1996. Data
on dragonflies that have inadvertently flown into man-made
structures. Nature & Insects 31(6): 44-46.
(Jap., with Engl. title).
- (11010) McPEEK, M.A., A.K. SCHROT & J.M.
BROWN, 1996. Adaptation to predators in a new community:
swimming performance and predator avoidance in damselflies.
Ecology 77(2): 617-629.
- (11011) NATURE AND INSECTS, Vol. 31, No.
8: Sympetrum dragonflies (July 1996). ISSN
0023-3218. (Jap., with Engl. titles).
- (11012) NEL, A. & E.A. JARZEMBOWSKI, 1996.
Description and revision of some dragonflies
('Anisozygoptera') from the Lower Cretaceous of
England (Odonata: Stenophlebiidae, Campterophlebiidae?,
Epiophlebiidae, Euthemistidae). Cretaceous Res.
17(1): 87-96.
- (11013) O'DONNELL, S., 1996. Dragonflies
(Gynacantha nervosa Rambur) avoid wasps (Polybia
aequatorialis Zavattari and Mischocyttarus sp.) as prey.
J. Insect Behav. 9(1): 159-162.
- (11014) OKA, I., 1996. How dragonflies have
suffered from the Hyogo earthquake. Gracile 55:
1-16. (Jap., with Engl. title).
- (11015) OTT, J., 1996. Zeigt die Ausbreitung der
Feuerlibelle in Deutschland eine Klimaveränderung?
Mediterrane Libellen als Indikatoren für Änderung
in Biozönosen. Errata.NatSchutz LandschPfl.
28(5): 132.
- (11016) PEARSON, G.A., 1996. Insect tattoos on
humans: a "dermagraphic' study. Am. Ent.
42(2): 99-105.
- (11017) PETALURA. Journal of the Specialist
Group for Systematic and Phylogenetic Odonatology,
S.I.O. (Spec. Vol.) 2 (May 15, 1996).
- (11018) POLHEMUS, D.A. & A. ASQUITH, 1996.
Hawaiian damselflies. A field identification guide.
Bishop Mus. Press, Honolulu. x+122 pp. ISBN 0-930897-91-9.
[Hawaii Biol. Surv. Hndb.; Bishop Mus. Special Publn
- (11019) PRITCHARD, G., L.D. HARDER & R.A.
MUTCH, 1996. Development of aquatic insect eggs in relation
to temperature and strategies for dealing with different
thermal environments. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 58(2):
- (11020) PROESS, R., 1996. Überblick
über die Libellenfauna der stehenden Gewässer
Luxemburgs. Bull. Soc. Nat. Luxemb. 97: 163-180.
(With Engl. s.).
- (11021) PUJOL-LUZ, J.R., A.L. ARAUJO & M.P.
GOMES, 1996. Morfologia do quarto segmento (distal) do
pénis de Diastatops Rambur, 1842 (Odonata,
Libellulidae, Palpopleurinae). Resum. 20 Congr. bras.
Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, p. 54.
- (11022) ROBLE, S.M. & C.S. HOBSON, 1996. The
Odonata of Fort A.P. Hill and vicinity, Caroline county,
Virginia. Banisteria 7: 11-40.
- (11023) ROSENBERG, J., K. KREUL & M.
SCHLURMANN, 1996. Untersuchungen zur Libellenfauna (Insecta,
Odonata) an ausgewählten Standorten in der Grossstadt
Köln. Decheniana (Beih.) 35: 25-41. (With Engl.
- (11024) SAHLÉN, G., 1996. Sveriges
trollsländor (Odonata). En bestämninsbok för
trollsländor i Sverige och övriga Norden. -
[Swedish dragonflies. An identification handbook for the
dragonflies of Sweden and the rest of the North].
Fältbiologerna, Stockholm. 162 pp. ISBN 91-85094-43-9.
- (11025) SANTOS, T.C., S.M.V. CARNEIRO & J.M.
COSTA, 1996. Indice de diversidade da odonatofauna de duas
unidades fisiográficas da Ilha da Marambaia
(Baía de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro). Resum. 20
Congr. bras. Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, p.
- (11026) SANTOS, T.C. & J.M. COSTA, 1996.
Descrição da ninfa de Brechmorhoga travassosi
Santos, 1946 (Odonata: Libellulidae).Resum. 20 Congr.
bras. Zool., Porto Alegre, RS, p. 45.
- (11027) SCHMIDT, E., 1996. Fischteiche - ein
ökologisches Übel? Das Beispiel Libellen an den
Angelteichen Rheinbach-Eichen. Tier & Mus. 5(1):
- (11028) SHARMA, S. & T. OFENBÖCK, 1996.
New discoveries of Epiophlebia laidlawi Tillyard, 1921 in the
Nepal Himalaya (Odonata, Anisozygoptera: Epiophlebiidae).
Opusc. zool. flumin. 150: 1-11.
- (11029) SMITH, M.J.C., P.J. WILKIN & M.H.
WILLIAMS, 1996. The advantages of an unsteady panel method in
modelling the aerodynamic forces on rigid flapping wings.
J. exp. Biol. 199(5): 1073-1083.
- (11030) SUHLING, F., 1996. Interspecific
competition and habitat selection by the riverine dragonfly
Onychogomphus uncatus. Freshw. Biol. 35:
- (11031) SYMPETRUM, GRENOBLE. Revue
d'odonatologie, No. 9 (1996).
- (11032) TAKAMURA, K., 1996. Life cycle of the
damselfly Calopteryx atrata in relation to pesticide
contamination. Ecotoxicology 5(1):
- (11033) TARMANN, G.M., 1996. Sammeln in Tirol -
Appell an Fairness und Vernunft. Ent. Z., Essen
106(7): 293-294.
- (11034) TOBIAS, A., 1996. Einfluss von
Feinsandüberschichtungen auf grabende Libellenlarven
(Gomphidae). TagBer. dt. Ges. Limnol. 1995:
1996. Ephemeroptera and Odonata of an artificial Danube
backwater irrigation system. Arch. Hydrobiol.
(Suppl.) 113: 493-496.
- (11036) WESTFALL, M.J. & M.L. MAY, 1996.
Damselflies of North America. Scient. Publishers,
Gainesville-Washington-Hamburg-Lima-Taipei-Tokyo. x+650 pp.,
231 textfigs + 8 col. pls incl. ISBN
- (11037) WOLF, K.W., 1996. The structure of
condensed chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis of insects.
Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 25(1/2):
- (11038) YANG, E.C. & D. OSORIO, 1996.
Spectral responses and chromatic processing in the dragonfly
lamina. J. comp. Physiol. (A) 178(4):
- (11039) YOON, J.H. & H.C. PARK, 1996. A
comparative study of the fatty acid composition of the 18
odonatan species from Korea. Korean J. Ent. 26(1):
65-71. (Korean, with Engl. s.).
- (11038) TOPACHEVSKIY, V.A., [Ed.], 1985. Otryad
strekozy (Odonata). - [Order dragonflies (Odonata)].
In: V.A. Topachevskiy, [Ed.], Priroda Ukrainskoy
SSR: Zhivotnyy mir, pp. 67-68, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.
- (11039) HANDEL, A., 1987. Insekten:
Käfer, Libellen und andere. Kaiser, Klagenfurt (BLV
Verlagsgesellschaft, München-Wien-Zürich). 63 pp.
ISBN 3-7043-9998-1. [Dreipunkt-Buch: Finden, bestimmen,
kennen, 1017].
- (11040) JARZEMBOWSKI, E.A., 1987. Early
Cretaceous insects from southern England. PhD thesis,
Univ. Reading, Reading. 421 pp.
- (11041) CARLE, F.L., 1988. State and global
rankings for Virginia Zygoptera including number of known
localities, population estimates, distribution types, and
preferred habitat types. Div. Nat. Heritage, Va Dept
Conserv., Richmond/VA, 2 pp.
- (11042) CARLE, F.L., 1989. The endangered
dragonfly fauna of New Jersey. In: F.F. Karlin,
[Ed.], New Jersey's rare and endangered plants and
animals, pp. 119-148, 239, Inst. Environ. Stud., Ramapo Coll.
New Jersey, Mahwah/NJ.
- (11043) SCHMITZ, O., 1989. Die Tierwelt der
Wahner Heide. Libellenwelt: Veränderungen und
Perspektiven. In: H. Böller & U. Schmitz,
[Eds], Die Wahner Heide, pp. 165-168, Rheinland-Verlag,
Köln, ISBN 3-7927-1104-4.
- (11044) MILFORD, P.J. & A.G. IRWIN, 1990. The
dragonflies of Norfolk. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat.
Soc. 28(5): 357-380.
- (11045) CARLE, F.L., 1991. Dragonflies.
In: K. Terwilliger, [Coordinator], Virginia's
endangered species, pp. 197-214, McDonald & Woodward,
- (11046) SMITH, E.M., 1992. Field
identification chart for Anisoptera (dragonfly) exuviae found
in Scotland. Odonata Recording Scheme, Monks Wood. ii+10
- (11047) NEL, A. & X. MARTINEZ-DELCLOS, 1993.
Nuevos Zygoptera y Anisoptera (Insecta: Odonata) en el
Cretacico Inferior de España. Estud. geol.
49: 351-359. (With Engl. s.).
- (11048) SCHWEIGERT, G. & C.G. KOBAN, 1993.
Ein besonderes Fossil. Paläont. Z. 67(3/4):
- (11049) SRIVASTAVA, V.D. & C. SINHA, 1993.
[Fauna of West Bengal]. Insecta: Odonata. State Fauna
Ser. 3(4): 51-168.
- (11050) TERZANI, F., 1993. Ricerche
odonatologiche in Toscana. 5. Lago Boracifero (Grosseto).
Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Grosseto 15: 97-106. (With
Engl. s.).
- (11051) TILDEN, A.R., V.H. HUTCHISON, W.J.
ANDERSON & J. WARES, 1994. Melatonin in insect nervous
tissue and hemolymph. Am. zool. 34(5):
- (11052) BROWN, T., 1995. A survey of the
dragonflies of eastern Norfolk for the season 1995. Gt
Yarmouth Naturalists' Soc., Gt Yarmouth. 28
- (11053) CHAO, H.-f., 1995. Keys to genera of
dragonflies from Fujian province, China (order Odonata).
Wuyi Sci. J. 12: 51-79. (Chin., with Engl.
- (11054) CHAO, H.-f., 1995. New or little known
gomphid dragonflies from China, 1 (Odonata: Gomphidae).
Wuyi Sci. J. 12: 1-47. (Chin. &
- (11055) CHAO, H.-f. & Z. YANG, 1995. A new
species of gomphid dragonfly of the genus Davidius from
Shaanxi province (Odonata: Gomphidae). Wuyi Sci. J.
12: 48-50. (Chin. & Engl.).
- (11056) CONRAD, R., 1995. 1. Beitrag zur
Insektenfauna Thüringens (Dermaptera, Odonata,
Hymenoptera). Ent. Nachr. Ber. 39(4):
- (11057) FITZHUGH, G.H. & J.H. MARDEN, 1995.
Age-related changes in contractile physiology of dragonfly
flight muscle. Am. Zool. 35(5): 79A.
- (11058) GUPTA, I.J., M.L. DE & T.R. MITRA,
1995. Conspectus of Odonata fauna of Calcutta, India.
Rec. zool. Surv. India 95(1/2):
- (11059) HARRISON, F., 1995. Observed.
Wingspan 1995 (June): 22.
- (11060) KLEIN, J.-P. & A. EXINGER, 1995.
Oxygastra curtisi (Dale, 1834), une espèce
d'odonate nouvelle pour l'Alsace. Bull. Assoc.
philomath. Alsace Lorraine 31: 93-96. (With Engl.
- (11061) MIELEWCZYK, S., 1995. Zmiany w faunie
waek (Odonata) Tatrzaskiego parku narodowego. - [Changes in
the dragonfly fauna (Odonata) of the Tatra National Park].
1 Ogolnopol. Konf. Przyr. Tatrza. Parku narod.,
Zakopane, p. 39 (Polish).
- (11062) MÜLLER, J., 1995. [Untere
Havelniederung in Sachsen-Anhalt:] Libellen. NatSchutz
Sachsen-Anhalt 32 (Sonderh.): 36-38.
- (11063) NOVELO GUTIERREZ, R., 1995. La nayade de
Brechmorhoga praecox (Hagen, 1861) y notas sobre las nayades
de B. rapax Calvert, 1898, B. vivax Calvert, 1906 y B. mendax
(Hagen, 1861) (Odonata: Libellulidae). Fol. ent.
mex. 94: 33-40. (With Engl. s.).
- (11064) NOVELO GUTIERREZ, R., 1995. Nayade de
Brechmorhoga pertinax (Odonata: Libellulidae). An. Inst.
Biol. Univ. nac. auton. Mex. (Zool.) 66(2): 181-187.
(With Engl. s.).
- (11065) PINTO-DA-ROCHA, R., 1995. Sinopse da
fauna cavernicola do Brasil (1907-1994). Papéis
avul. Zool. 39(6): 61-173. (Port., with Engl.
- (11066) TAKAGI, M., W. POHAN, H. HASIBUAN, W.
PANJAITAN & T. SUZUKI, 1995. Evaluation of shading of
fish farming ponds as a larval control measure against
Anopheles sundaicus Rodenwaldt (Diptera: Culicidae).
SEast Asian J. trop. Med. public Health 26(4):
- (11067) TERZANI, F., 1995. Odonati della regione
di Aqaba (Giordania merid.). Studi Ecol. Quaternario
1995 (17): 135-136.
- (11068) ZHU, H. & J. OUYAN, 1995.
Redescription of Nihonogomphus ruptus (Selys) from
Heilongjiang province, China (Odonata: Gomphidae). Wuyi
Sci. J. 12: 80-83. (Chin., with Engl. s.).
- (11069) ANDO, H. & Y. KOBAYASHI, [Eds], 1996.
Insect embryology, Vol. 1. Arthropodan Embryol. Soc.
Jpn, Tokyo. viii+316 pp. ISBN 4-563-07735-6 (Jap. with Engl.
- (11070) ARGIA. The news journal of the
Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Vol. 8, No. 3 (15 Oct.
- (11071) ASAHINA, S., 1996. Records of the
northern Vietnamese Odonata taken by the expedition members
from the National Science Museum, Tokyo. 3. Aeschnidae [sic!]
Corduliidae and Libellulidae. Bull. natn. Sci. Mus.
Tokyo (A) 22(2): 69-80.
- (11072) BACCETTI, B., 1996. An outline of the
history of the Italian entomology. Proc. 20th Int. Congr.
Ent., Firenze, pp. xi-xv.
- (11073) BACCETTI, B., 1996. Comparative
spermatology in insect taxonomy and phylogeny. Proc. 20th
Int. Congr. Ent., Firenze, pp. xiii-xxiv.
- (11074) BROCKHAUS, T. & K. REINHARDT, 1996.
Drei neue Libellenarten für die Tucheler Heide, Bory
Tucholskie (Nordpolen).Ent. Nachr. Ber. 40(2):
- (11075) BROWNETT, A., 1996. The dragonflies
of Oxfordshire. Brookside Books, Banbury. 60 pp. ISBN
ODONATOLOGY, Vol. 4, Nos 1 & 2 (both 15 Oct.
- (11077) CANNINGS, R., 1996. The Blue Darners.
Dragonflies of the genus Aeshna in British Columbia.
Cordillera 1996 (Summer): 28-38.
- (11078) CHACIN, M.E., J.A. CLAVIJO & J. DE
MARMELS, 1996. Xylophanes fernandezi sp. n., ein neuer
Schwärmer aus Venezuela (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae).
Mitt. ent. Ges. Basel 46(2/3): 78-84. (With Engl.
- (11079) CHIVERS, D.P., B.D. WISENDEN & R.J.F.
SMITH, 1996. Damselfly larvae learn to recognize predators
from chemical cues in the predator's diet. Anim.
Behav. 52(2): 315-320.
- (11080) CLARKE, A., P.A. PRINCE & R. CLARKE,
1996. The energy content of dragonflies (Odonata) in relation
to predation by falcons. Bird Study 43:
R. WARNKE-GRÜTTNER, 1996. Errichtung und Sicherung
schutzwürdiger Teile von Natur und Landschaft mit
gesamtstaatlich repräsentativer Bedeutung.
Naturschutzgrossprojekt: Presseler Heidewald- und Moorgebiet,
Sachsen. Natur u. Landschaft 71(7/8): 324-329. (With
Engl. s.).
- (11082) DELL'ANNA, L., E. DE MATTHAEIS, M.
COBOLLI & C. UTZERI, 1996. Genotypic structure and
reproductive isolation between syntopic populations of
Chalcolestes viridis and C. parvidens in central Italy
(Odonata: Lestidae). Proc. 20th Int. Congr. Ent.,
Firenze. p. 250.
- (11084) The DRAGON-FLIER. Newsletter of
the Ohio Dragonfly Survey, Columbus, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Sept.
- (11085) FINCKE, O.M. & S. YANOVIAK, 1996.
Consequences of obligate killing on the population dynamics
of odonates and their mosquito prey in tropical tree holes.
Proc. 20th Int. Congr. Ent., Firenze, p.
- (11086) FOLLETT, P., 1996. Dragonflies of
Surrey. Surrey Wildlife Trust, Pirbright/Woking. viii+88
pp., 16 pls excl. ISBN 0-9526065-1-8.
- (11087) [FRANKOVIC, M.], 1996. Vretenca
[Dragonflies]. In: A. Randi, [Coordinator], Plan
gospodarenja okoliem Cresko-Loinskog otoja, p.
31, St. Direct. Environ., Rijeka. (Croatian; the book has
also an Engl. title & s.).
- (11088) GARRISON, R.W. & M.R. WILLIG, 1996.
Arboreal invertebrates. In: D.P. Reagan & R.B.
Waide, [Eds], The food web of a tropical rain forest, pp.
183-245, Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago & London, ISBN
0-226-70599-4 (cloth), 0-226-70600-1 (paper).
- (11089) GOMPHUS. Mededelingsblad van de
belgische libellenonderzoekers. - [Bulletin de liaison des
odonatologues belges], Vol. 12, No. 3 (Sept. 1996) (Dutch
& Fr.).
- (11090) HELLMUND, M. & W. HELLMUND, 1996. Zum
Fortpflanzungsmodus fossiler Kleinlibellen (Insecta, Odonata,
Zygoptera). Paläont. Z. 70(1/2): 153-170. (With
engl. s.).
- (11091) HERMANS, J.T., 1996. De libellen van de
Beegderheide. - [Dragonflies of the Beegderheide].
Natuurh. Maandbl. 85(10): 212-216. (Dutch, with
Engl. s.).
- (11092) HERRMANN, R., 1996. Die Libellenfauna
(Odonata) Ostfrieslands, von R. Schmid. Beitr.
Vogel-Insektenwelt Ostfieslands 88: 10.
- (11093) HEYNDERYEX, J., 1996. Libellen uit heide
en ven - [Heathland dragonflies]. Atalanta,
Kruishoutem 24(4): 93-95. (Dutch).
- (11094) HEYNDERYEX, J., 1996. Libellenlarven
bestrijden dengue - [Dragonfly larvae control dengue].
Atalanta, Kruishoutem 24(4): 84-85.
- (11095) HÖLZEL, N., G. RUSSANOW & S.
SCHLEUNING, 1996. Wolga-Delta: Natur-oase zwischen Meer
und Halbwüste. Resch, Radolfzell. 159 pp. ISBN
- (11096) HONÉK, A., 1996. Geographical
variation in thermal requirements for insect development.
Eur. J. Ent. 93(3): 303-312.
- (11097) HUIJSER, M.P. & M. ROOS, 1996.
Libellen, dagvlinders en hommels in voor Flevoland
karakteristieke vegetatietypen (Odonata; Lepidoptera:
Rhopalocera; Hymenoptera: Apidae). - [Dragonflies,
butterflies and bumblebees in vegetation types characteristic
for Flevoland (Odonata; Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera;
Hymenoptera: Apidae)]. Ent. Ber., Amst. 56(11):
161-169. (Dutch, with Engl. s.).
- (11098) ISHIDA, K., 1996. Monograph of
Odonata larvae in Japan. Hokkaido Univ. Press, Sapporo.
x+448 pp. ISBN 4-8529-9631-2 (Jap., with Engl.
- (11099) JARZEMBOWSKI, E.[A.] & A. NEL, 1996.
[Dragonflies of Surrey.] Geology and fossil record.
In: P. Follett, Dragonflies of Surrey, pp. 5-11,
cumulative References pp. 67-75, pls 1-3 excl., Surrey
Wildlife Trust, Pirbright/Woking, ISBN
- (11100) JEDICKE, E., 1996. Klimaänderung:
welche Folgen ergeben sich für Flora und Fauna?
NatSchutz LandschPlan. 28(10):
& L.B. CROWDER, 1996. Link strength in lake littoral food
webs: net effects of small sunfish and larval dragonflies.
Jl N. Am benthol. Soc. 15(3): 271-288.
- (11102) JONES, R.A., 1996. [Book review]
Dragonflies, by Peter L. Miller. Br. J. Ent. nat
Hist. 9(3): 166.
SOCIETY, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Oct. 1996).
- (11104) KERAUTRET, L., 1996. Les odonates rares
du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. In: Actes de la
journée d'information "Espèces
animales rares et protégées de la région
Nord-Pas-de-Calais", organisée le 29 mars 1995
à Douai, pp. 29-40, Assoc. multidiscipl. Biologistes
Environ., Douai.
- (11105) KIMMINSIA. Newsletter of the
U.K. National Office of the International Odonatological
Society (SIO), Vol. 7, No. 2 (Nov. 1996).
- (11106) KIRBY BRETT, U., 1996. W.F. Kirby: the
start of a career in entomology. Archs nat. Hist.
23(2): 209-218.
- (11107) KOTARAC, M., 1996. Poroilo o
raziskavah favne kajih pastirjev (Odonata) na Pohorju, 2 -
[Report on the inquire into the dragonfly fauna (Odonata) of
Pohorje mountains, 2]. Dept Nature & Cultureal
Heritage, Maribor, 5 pp. (Slovene).
- (11108) KRISTENSEN, N.P., 1996. The ground plan
and basal diversification of hexapods. Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 1.
- (11109) LABHART, T., 1996. Neural mechanisms of
polarized skylight navigation in insects. Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 108.
- (11110) LIBELLENNIEUWSBRIEF, Hilversum,
Vol. 4, No. 2 (not published), No. 3 (no date), No. 4 (no
date), 1996. (Dutch).
- (11111) LIEBHERR, J.K. & D.A. POLHEMUS, 1996.
R.C.L. Perkins and the Fauna hawaiiensis: what longterm data
can tell us about Hawaiian diversity. Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 83.
- (11112) [LOHMANN, H.] (mri), 1996.
"Ökosponsoring" für idyllisches Biotop:
in "Weberalten" ist nun der Weg für ein neues
Naturschutzgebiet. Südkurier, issue of 10
- (11113) LOTZING, K., 1996. Ein Beitrag zum
aktuellen Kenntnisstand der Verbreitung von Calopteryx
splendens Harris (Odonata) in Sachsen-Anhalt. Ent. Nachr.
Ber. 40(1): 23-26. (With Engl. & Fr.
- (11114) MALANGPO. Newsletter of the Thai
National Office of the International Odonatological Society
(S.I.O.), No. 13 (Nov. 1996).
- (11115) MARTILL, D.M. & A. NEL, 1996. A new
dragonfly from the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian)
of N.E. Brazil. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. (Mh.)
1996(5): 279-292. (With Germ. s.).
- (11116) MARTINIA. Bulletin des
odonatologues de France, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Sept.
- (11117) MAY, M.[L.], 1996. Comparative morphology
of the secondary male genitalia of selected libelluloid
dragonflies (Odonata: Libelluloidea). Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 350.
- (11118) MICHALSKI, J.C., 1996. Description of
Hylaeargia magnifica Michalski, a damselfly from Papua New
Guinea (Odonata: Zygoptera). Tijdschr. Ent. 139(1):
- (11119) MIELEWCZYK, S., 1996. Zmiany w faunie
waek (Odonata) Tatrzanskiego parku narodowego. - [Changes in
the dragonfly fauna (Odonata) of the Tatra National Park].
Przyr. tatrza. Parku narod. a Czowiek (Biol.) 2:
88-89. (Pol., with Engl. s.).
- (11120) MÜHLENBERG, M., J. SLOWIK & W.
SCHNEIDER, 1996. Odonata in tropical forests: do they
indicate the conservation value? The analysis of the Odonata
fauna in forests of eastern Ivory Coast. Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 350.
- (11121) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Zoogeographische
und ökologische Analyse der Libellen-Fauna (Insecta,
Odonata) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Abh. Ber. Naturk.,
Magdeburg 19: 3-11. (With Engl. s.).
- (11122) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Zum Vorkommen der
Gemeinen Keiljungfer Gomphus vulgatissimus L. (Odonata) im
Mittellandkanal (Naturpark Drömling, Sachsen-Anhalt).
Abh. Ber. Naturk., Magdeburg 19: 13-18. (With Engl.
- (11123) [NANBA, Y.], 1996. [Deer and dragonfly
representations on dtaku, found at the Kamo-Iwakura ruins in
Shimane]. Asahi Shimbun, issue of 25 Nov.
- (11124) NAVASIA. Noticiario de la
Oficina ibérica de la Sociedad International de
Odonatologia (S.I.O.) - Noticiario de Oficina ibérica
de Sociedade Internacional de Odonatologia (S.I.O.),
Córdoba, Vol. 5 (Sept. 1996).
- (11125) NEW, T.R., 1996. Taxonomic focus and
quality control in insect surveys for biodiversity
conservation. Aust. J. Ent. 35(2):
SOCIETY, No. 30 (Autumn, 1996).
- (11127) NOMAKUCHI, S. & K. HIGASHI, 1996.
Competitive habitat utilization in the damselfly Mnais nawai
(Zygoptera: Calopterygidae), coexisting with a related
species, Mnais pruinosa. Res. Popul. Ecol. 38(1):
- (11128) OGBOGU, S.S. & A.T. HASSAN, 1996.
Feeding mechanism and patterns of advanced instar larvae of
Urothemis assignata (Selys) (Odonata: Libellulidae).
Proc. 20th Int. Congr. Ent., Firenze, p.
- (11129) POLHEMUS, D.A., 1996. The Orangeblack
Hawaiian Damselfly, Megalagrion xanthomelas (Odonata:
Coenagrionidae): clarifying the current range of a threatened
species. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus. 45:
- (11130) POLHEMUS, D.A., 1996. The phylogenetic
ecology and biogeography of Hawaiian Megalagrion damselflies:
a case study in evolution. Proc. 20th Int. Congr.
Ent., Firenze, p. 84.
- (11131) REINHARDT, K., 1996. Bericht über
die 15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger
Odonatologen am 23./24.3.1996 in Berlin. Ent. Nachr.
Ber. 40(2): 139-140.
- (11132) REINHARDT, K., 1996. Zur Libellenfauna
(Odonata) des Grossen Bruches bei Oschersleben,
Sachsen-Anhalt. Braunschw. naturk. Schr. 5(1):
243-247. (With Engl. s.).
- (11133) RÜPPELL, G. & D. HILFERT, 1996.
Life history of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis (Odonata:
Calopterygidae). Proc. 20th Int. Congr. Ent.,
Firenze, p. 349.
- (11134) RYAZANOVA, G.I., 1996. Intraspecific
interactions of larval odonates. Proc. 20th Int. Congr.
Ent., Firenze, p. 350.
- (11135) SAHLÉN, G., 1996. Fortsätt
rapportera fynd av trollsländor! Ent. Tidskr.
117(1/2): 66. (Swed.).
- (11136) [SAHLÉN, G.], 1996.
Trollsländor - ett kompendium.
Fältbiologerna, Stockholm. 12 pp.
- (11137) SANDHU, R. & G.K. WALIA, 1996.
Karyological studies of genus Rhinocypha (Odonata: Zygoptera:
Chlorocyphidae). Proc. 83rd Indian Sci. Congr. 3:
- (11138) SCHNEIDER, W. & F. KRUPP, 1996. A
possible natural hybrid between Ischnura elegans ebneri
Schmidt, 1939 and Ischnura fountainei Morton, 1905 (Odonata:
Coenagrionidae). Zool. Middle East 12: 75-81. (With
Germ. s.).
RIETER & R. HUGGER, 1996. Libellen aus dem Nusplinger
Plattenkalk (Oberjura, Ober-Kimmeridgium, Württemberg).
Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk. (B) 236: 1-12. (With Engl.
- (11140) SHARMA, O.P. & S. DURANI, 1996. On
the chromosomes of four species of genus Orthetrum
(Libellulidae: Odonata). Proc. 83rd Indian Sci.
Congr. 3: 2.
- (11141) SIOJA. Information bulletin of
the SIO Japan Branch Office, Osaka, 1996, No. 1 (25 Oct.
1996). (Jap.).
- (11142) SPICER, G., 1996. Molecular phylogeny of
the damselflies and dragonflies as inferred from
mitochondrial 12SrNA genes. Proc. 20th Int. Congr.
Ent., Firenze, p. 240 [title only].
- (11143) STOKS, R., M. SANTENS, L. DE BRUYN &
E. MATTHYSEN, 1996. The mating system of the damselfly Lestes
sponsa (Zygoptera: Lestidae). Proc. 20th Int. Congr.
Ent., Firenze, p. 351.
- (11144) STOKS, R., M. SANTENS, L. DE BRUYN &
E. MATTHYSEN, 1996. The warming up strategy of immature
Aeshna mixta (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Proc. 20th Int.
Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 350.
- (11145) SUI, G. & V. TUTI, 1996.
Lokve, ekoloki dragulji otoka Cresa. -
[The "lokvas", ecological pearls of the island
of Cres]. Svanimir, Zagreb & Eko-Centar "Caput
insulae", Rijeka. 10 pp. (Croatian).
- (11146) SYMNET. The newsletter of
Aka-tombo Network, Ishikawa, No. 5 (July 10, 1996). (Jap.
& Engl. edns; available also at WWW Home page,
- (11147) TAGG, D., 1996. Foreword. In: P.
Follett, Dragonflies of Surrey, pp. v-vi, Surrey Wildlife
Trust, Pirbright/Woking, ISBN 0-9526065-1-8.
- (11148) TAKAHASHI, Y., 1996. Aka-tombo no
kuroyaki no yakko? - [The efficacy of charred Sympetrum?].
Tombo to Bunka 58: 5-6. (Jap.).
- (11149) TAKEMATSU, Y., O. TADAUCHI, Y.
"Shikoku" file, in a taxon-based entomology
database "Konchu", produced at Computer Center of
Kyushu University for public use on an on-line network.
Jap. J. Ent. 64(3): 615-616.
- (11150) THEISCHINGER, G., 1996. The species of
Austrophlebia Tillyard (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae:
Brachytrininae). Linz. biol. Beitr. 28(1):
- (11151) THEISCHINGER, G., 1996. The species of
Lestoideinae Munz (Insecta: Odonata: Zygoptera:
Lestoideidae). Linz. biol. Beitr. 28(1):
- (11152) VAN TOL, J., 1996. Biogeography of
Sulawesi based on the insect fauna of lotic habitats, with
special reference to dragonflies (Odonata). Proc. 20th
Int. Congr. Ent., Firenze, p. 77.
- (11153) VINSON, M.R. & C.P. HAWKINS, 1996.
Effects of sampling area and subsampling procedure on
comparisons of taxa richness among streams. Jl N. Am.
benthol. Soc. 15(3): 392-399.
- (11154) WAUBKE, M. & M. SCHWARZ, 1996. Zur
Kenntnis der Libellen- und Heuschreckenfauna (Insecta:
Odonata, Saltatoria) in drei Naturschutzgebieten am
Wallersee: Fischtaginger Spitz, Bayerhammer Spitz und Wenger
Moor (Salzburg, Österreich). Linz. biol. Beitr.
28(1): 425-436. (With Engl. s.).
- (11155) WILDERMUTH, H., 1996. Änderungen in
der Tierwelt im Kanton Zürich. Festschr.
250-Jahr-Feier naturf. Ges. Zürich, pp.
- (11156) WILDERMUTH, H., 1996. Beobachtungen zum
Fortpflanzungsverhalten der Segellibelle Perithemis mooma
(Kirby, 1889) an einem südbrasilianischen Farmteich
(Odonata, Libellulidae). Mitt. ent. Ges. Basel
40(2/3): 68-77. (With Engl. s.).
- (11157) YANG, E.C. & D. OSORIO, 1996.
Spectral responses and chromatic processing in the dragonfly
lamina. J. comp. Physiol. (A) 178(4):
- (11158) YANG, Z.-D., 1996. Species of genus
Cordulegaster Leach (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) in China.
Ent. Knowledge/Kunchong Zhishi 33(4): 231-232.
(Chin., with Engl. title).
- (11159) YOON, J.H. & H.C. PARK, 1996. A
comparative study of the fatty acid composition of the 18
odonatan species from Korea. Korean J. Ent. 26(1):
65-71. (Korean, with Engl. s.).
- (11160) ZAMORA-MUÑOZ, C. & J.
ALBA-TERCEDOR, 1996. Bioassessment of organically polluted
Spanish rivers, using a biotic index and multivariate
methods. Jl N. Am. benthol. Soc. 15(3):
- (11161) ZINKE, J., 1996. Gestreifte Quelljungfer
Cordulegaster bidentatus Selys, 1843 und Zweigestreifte
Quelljungfer C. boltoni Donovan, 1807 (Odonata) im
Elbsandsteingebirge. Ent. Nachr. Ber. 40(2):
- (11162) BEEKMANS, C., 1997. Nog leiner dan een
paardje. - [Smaller still than a little horse]. NRC
Handelsblad 27(94): 18; issue of 17 Jan.
- (11163) BEIGNET, A. & J.-L. DOMMANGET, 1997.
Un habitat privilégié pour les libellules.
Courrier Nature 161 [Spécial Mares]:
- (11164) CHABOT, R., B. JACQUAZ, M.
communauté benthique littorale de la rivière
des Qutaouais. Naturaliste can. 121(1):
0926-3578 (Dutch).
- (11166) The DRAGON-FLIER. Newsletter of
the Ohio Dragonfly Survey, Columbus, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Jan.
- (11167) LINDENIA. Notiziario
dell'Ufficio nazionale italiano della Società
odonatologica internazionale, Roma, No. 26/27 (1 Jan.
- (11168) PEDEMONTANUM. Mitteilungsblatt
der AG Odonatenfauna Sachsen-Anhalt der
Entomologen-Vereinigung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Magdeburg, No. 1
(Jan. 1997). Edited by Dr. J. Müller.
- (11169) SAVARD, M., 1997. Curiosités
orthographiques et étymologiques: Aeshna, Aeschna ou
aeschnes? Naturaliste can. 121(1):
- (11170) WILLIAMSONIA, Vol. 1, No. 1
(Jan. 1997). Published by the Michigan Odonata Survey, edited
by M.F. O'Brien.
- (11171) LURATI, G., 1984. Odonata-fauna del
biotopo di Lumino-S. Vittore. Jb. schweiz. Jugend
forscht 1984: 41-46.
- (11172) MACHADO, A.B.M., 1985. Sobre alguns tipos
de Protoneura da coleçao Selys-Longchamps
(Odonata-Protoneuridae). Resum. 12 Congr. brasil.
Zool., p. 74, Univ. Estad. Campinas,
- (11173) SHARMA, R.C. & R.K. VARSHNEY, 1985.
Amphibians and reptiles predaceous on insects and rodents in
Rajasthan. In: R.K. Bhanotar et al., [Eds],
Non-insect pest and predators, pp. 104-108, 264 (References),
All India Scient. Writers' Soc., New Delhi.
- (11174) HULL, M., 1990. [Odonata taken on the
Isle of Lesbos, Greece, in June]. Annu. Rep. Proc.
Lancas. Ches. ent. Soc. 113 [1989/1990]:
- (11175) CHARLES, the PRINCE OF WALES, 1991. Cf.
OA 11177.
- (11176) DANKS, H.V. & D.D. WILLIAMS, 1991.
Arthropods of springs, with particular reference to Canada:
synthesis and needs for research. Mem. ent. Soc.
Can. 155: 203-217. (With Fr. s.).
- (11177) FRY, R., [Compiler], 1991. Habitat
conservation for insects - a neglected green issue.
Amateur Entomologists' Soc., Middlesex. xvi+262 pp., ISBN
- (11178) HELLMUND, W., 1991-1996. Unsere Libellen:
Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme, 1-4. Troisdorf. Jh.
21[1991]: 95-102, 22[1992]: 91-100, 24[1994]: 22-30,
26[1996]: 70-79.
- (11179) ANDRIKOVICS, A. & G. GERE, 1992. The
abundance and food consumption of dragonfly (Odonata) imagos
on the Kis-Balaton, Hungary. Opusc. zool., Budapest
25: 37-43.
- (11180) POLHEMUS, D.A., J. MACIOLEK & J.
FORD, 1992. An ecosystem classification of inland waters for
the tropical Pacific islands. Micronesica 25(2):
- (11181) DE PAUW, N. & R. VANNEVEL, [Eds],
1993. Macro-invertebraten en waterkwaliteit.
Determineersleutels voor zoetwatermacro-invertebraten en
methoden ter bepaling van de waterkwaliteit. -
[Macroinvertebrates and water quality. Identification
keys for freshwater macroinvertebrates and methods for water
quality assessment]. Stichting Leefmilieu, Antwerpen,
xii+316 pp. (Dutch).
- (11182) POLHEMUS, D.A., 1993. Conservation of
aquatic insects: worldwide crisis or localized threats?
Am. Zool. 33: 588-598.
- (11183) DREYER, U., 1994. Untersuchungen zum
Makrozoobenthos in der Mittelelbe. Erweit. Zusammenfass.
Jtag. dt. Ges. Limnol. Hamburg 2: 607-611.
- (11184) GNASPINI, P. & E. TRAJANO, 1994.
Brazilian cave invertebrates, with a checklist of
triglomorphic taxa. Revta bras. Ent. 38(3/4):
- (11185) MÄDLER, K., 1994. Die Entwicklung
des Makrozoobenthon im sächsischen Elbeabschnitt in den
Jahren 1985 bis 1994. Erweit. Zusammenfass. Jtag. dt.
Ges. Limnol. Hamburg 2: 618-621.
- (11186) MAIBACH, A. & C. MEIER, 1994. Rote
Liste der gefährdeten Libellen der Schweiz. - Liste
rouge des espèces menacées de Suisse. - Lista
rossa delle Libellule minacciate in Svizzera. In: P.
Duelli, [Ed.], Rote Liste der Gefährdeten Tierarten in
der Schweiz - Listes rouges des espèces animales
menacées de Suisse - Lista rossa degli animali
minacciati della Svizzera, pp. 69-71, Bundesamt für
Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft, BUWAL, Bern. (Separate Ger., Fr.
& Ital. edn).
- (11187) NEUMANN, P., B. GRAHMANN & M.
SCHIRMER, 1994. Die Wasserinsektenzönose
unterschiedlicher Uferstrukturen der Ochtum (ein Flachfluss
bei Bremen). Erweit. Zusammenfass. Jtag. dt. Ges. Limnol.
Hamburg 2: 557-561.
- (11188) SCHWARZ, U., 1994. Untersuchung des
Makrozoobenthon im Unteren Odertal. Erweit. Zusammenfass.
Jtag. dt. Ges. Limnol. Hamburg 2: 627-631.
- (11189) SMIT, J.T., 1994. Odonata (libellen).
In: A. Alberts & J. Smit, [Eds],
Inventarisatieverslag van de "Stikke Trui"
1990-1993, Insektenwerkgroep KNNV, Arnhem.
- (11190) ADOMSSENT, M., 1995. Zur Libellenfauna
des Lüneburger Raumes: eine Übersicht aktueller und
historischer Odonatenfunde. Jb. naturw. Ver.
Lüneburg 40: 171-182.
- (11191) ARIKAWA, K., K. OZAKI, T. TSUDA, J.
KITAMOTO & Y. MISHINA, 1995. Two visual pigment opsins,
one expressed in the dorsal region and another in the dorsal
and ventral regions, of the compound eye of a dragonfly,
Sympetrum frequens. Invert. Neurosci. 1(1):
- (11192) BRACKENBURY, J., 1995. Insects in
flight. Casell, London. 192 pp., incl. 100 col. phots.
ISBN 0-7137-2594-X.
- (11193) DÖRFLER, G. & G. HARMANN, 1995.
Zur Kenntnis der Libellenfauna des Harzes und seines
näheren nördlichen Vorlandes: Fundortliste.
Mitt. naturw. Ver. Goslar 4: 159-174.
- (11194) FORBES, M.R.L., J.M.L. RICHAR[D]SON &
R.L. BAKER, 1995. Frequency of female morphs is related to an
index of male density in the damselfly, Nehalennia irene
(Hagen). Ecoscience 2(1): 28-33. (With Fr.
- (11195) GRONENBERG, W. & B EHMER, 1995.
Tubular muscle fibers in ants and other insects.
Zoology 99: 68-80.
- (11196) HOLUSA, O., 1995. Výskyt
váek rodu Somatochlora na území
bývalého eskoslovenska (Odonata: Corduliidae).
- [The occurrence of dragonflies of the genus Somatochlora on
the territory of the former Czechoslovakia (Odonata:
Corduliidae)]. Klapalekiana 31: 101-110. (Czech,
with Engl. s.).
- (11197) KUMAR, Arun, 1995. Odonata. In:
A.K. Ghosh, [Ed.], Himalayan Ecosystem Series: Fauna of
western Himalaya, Pt 1, Uttar Pradesh, pp. 25-33, Zool. Surv.
India, Calcutta.
- (11198) LAISTER, G., 1995. Bestand,
Gefährdung und Ökologie der Libellenfauna der
Grossstadt Linz. Naturk. Jb. Linz 40/41: 9-305, 29
graphs excl. (With Engl. s.).
- (11199) POLHEMUS, D.A., 1995. New Heteroptera and
Odonata (Insecta) records and range extensions in the
Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Mus. occ. Paps 42:
- (11200) SAITOU, Y. & S. OGATA, 1995. Hong
Kong no tombo rui no kiroku (1994 nen 6 gatsu - 1995 nen 10
gatsu). - [Records of Hong Kong dragonflies, collected from
June 1994 to October 1995]. Bohso no Konchu 15:
25-47. (Jap., with taxonomic nomenclature).
- (11201) SOKOLOFF, P., 1995. Migrant insects in
1995. Ent. Rec. J. Var. 107(11/12):
- (11202) UBUKATA, H., 1995. A record of Cercion
hieroglyphicum by Lake Akan. Sylvicola 13: 55.
(Jap., with Engl. title).
- (11203) UBUKATA, H., 1995. Present state of a
habitat of Oligoaeschna pryeri by Lake Kussharo.
Sylvicola 13: 44. (Jap., with Engl.
- (11204) WAKKIE, B., 1995. Insekten uit
Botshol, 2. - [Insects from Botshol, 2].
Wakkie, Amsterdam. 10 pp. (Dutch).
- (11205) ABANG, F., S. HANAPI & M. SERIT,
1996. Systematic entomology in Sarawak: a preview.
Serangga 1(2): 63-73. (With Malay s.).
Ecologists/Biologists as Problem Solvers, Providence, RI,
Aug. 10-14, 1996. Bull. ecol. Soc. Am. 77 (3,
Suppl., pt 2).
- (11207) ADAMOVIC, Z.R., 1996. Odonata taken and
observed in Donji Ceklin, Montenegro. Acta ent.
serb. 1(1/2): 39-48. (With Serb. s.).
- (11208) ADOMSSENT, M., 1996. Die Libellen der
Stadt Kaltenkirchen, Kreis Segeberg. Heimat, Hussum
103(11/12): 251-256.
- (11209) AESCHNA. Published by the
Odonatological Society of Osaka. No. 32 (11 Sept. 1996).
(Jap., with Engl. titles & s's).
- (11210) ARGIA. The news journal of the
Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Vol. 8, No. 4 (31 Dec.
- (11211) ARTMANN-GRAF, G., 1996. Erfassung der
Wirbellosenfauna in der Region Gäu-Olten-Gösgen.
Nouvelles Cent. suisse Cartogr. Faune 12:
- (11212) AVERILL, M., 1996. The dragonflies of
Worcestershire. Averill, Kidderminster, iv+81 pp.
(spring-binding, 15´21 cm). ISBN
- (11213) BERNARD, R., 1996. Waki (Odonata)
rezerwatu "Meteoryt Morasko" w Poznaniu. -
[Dragonflies (Odonata) of the "Meteoryt Morasko"
nature reserve in Pozna]. Rocz. nauk. pol. Tow. Ochr.
Przyr. "Salamandra" 1: 157-166. (Pol., with
Engl. s.).
- (11214) BEYAERT, J., 1996. Inventaire du
patrimoine odonatologique des dunes flamandes. Conseil
Général (Dép. du Nord), Lille. iv+47
pp., pls & 8 app. excl.
- (11215) [BEYAERT, J.], 1996. Libellules rares
dans le Nord. Le Nord 101(Jan.): 10.
- (11216) BONN, A., M. GASSE, J ROLFF & A.
MARTENS, 1996. Increased fluctuating asymmetry in the
damselfly Coenagrion puella is correlated with ectoparasitic
water mites: implications for fluctuating asymmetry theory.
Oecologia 108: 596-598.
- (11217) BOUDJEMAÂ, S., 1996. Anges ou
démons: les libellules. El Watan, issue of 29
- (11218) BOWLES, D., 1996. Mexican collecting
permits. Neuropt. Newsl. 7: 1-2.
- (11219) BRANKOVI, G., 1996. Odonata collected at
Petnica near Valjevo, Serbia. Acta ent. serb.
1(1/2): 59-62. (With Serb. s.).
- (11220) BROWN, T., 1996. A survey of the
dragonflies of eastern Norfolk for the season 1996. Gt
Yarmouth Naturalists' Soc., Gt Yarmouth. 26
ODONATOLOGY, Vol. 4, No. 3 (31 Dec. 1996).
ODONATOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 8 (June 1996). (Jap., with
Engl. titles).
- (11223) CHEN, W., Z. ZHANG & Q. FU, 1996. The
wingbeat patterns and frequencies of some insects. Acta
ent. sin. 39(3): 246-252. (Chin., with Engl.
- (11224) CONCI, C. & R. POGGI, 1996.
Iconography of Italian entomologists, with essential
biographical data. Memorie Soc. ent. ital. 75:
- (11225) COOPER, G., P.L. MILLER & P.H.W.
HOLLAND, 1996. Molecular genetic analysis of sperm
competition in the damselfly Ischnura elegans (Vander
Linden). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (B) 263:
- (11226) DANIELS, J. & A. HALLEN, 1996.
Errichtung und Sicherung schutzwürdiger Teile von Natur
und Landschaft mit gesamtstaatlich repräsentativer
Bedeutung. Projekt: Neustädter Moor, Landkreis Diepholz,
Niedersachsen. Natur Landschaft 71(7/8): 311-317.
(With Engl. s.).
- (11227) DANIELS, J. & A. HALLEN, 1996.
Errichtung und Sicherung schutzwürdiger Teile von Natur
und Landschaft mit gesamtstaatlich repräsentativer
Bedeutung. Projekt: Ochsenmoor, Niedersachsen. Natur
Landschaft 71(7/8): 304-310. (With Engl.
- (11228) DASGUPTA, R., 1996. Feeding ecology of
the adult Himalayan Salamander Tylototriton verrucosus
Anderson, 1871 (Caudata: Salamandridae). Herpetozoa
9(1/2): 19-29. (With Germ. s.).
- (11229) DAVIES, D.A.L. & B. YANG, 1996. New
species of Bayadera Selys and Schmidtphaea Asahina from China
(Odonata, Euphaeidae). Tijdschr. Ent. 139(2):
- (11230) DE KNIJF, G. & A. ANSELIN, 1996.
Een gedocumenteerde Rode Lijst van de libellen van
Vlaanderen. - [A documented Red List of the dragonflies of
Flanders (N-Belgium)]. Inst. Natuurbehoud, Brussel.
xvi+90 pp. ISBN 90-403-0061-5. (Dutch, with Engl., Fr. &
Germ. s's).
- (11231) DE MARMELS, J., J.A. CLAVIJO & M.E.
CHACIN, 1996. A new subspecies of Xylophanes tersa
(Sphingidae) from Venezuela. J. Lepidopterists'
Soc. 50(4): 303-308.
- (11232) DIEHL, U. & H.-R. GÜTTINGER,
1996. Der Einfluss der Gewässerbelastung auf die
Lebensgemeinschaft der Insekten. Libellen und Käferarten
in den Stillgewässern des Eselsbachtals bei
Kaiserslautern. Pfälzer Heimat 47(4):
- (11233) DONATH, H., 1996. Die Zierliche
Moosjunger (Leucorrhinia caudalis [Charpentier, 1840]) neu
für die Libellenfauna der nordwestlichen Niederlausitz.
Biol. Stud. Luckau 25: 37-40.
- (11234) DONATH, H., 1996. Einflug der
Schabrackenlibelle (Hemianax ephippiger [Burmeister, 1893])
auch in der Niederlausitz. Biol. Stud. Luckau 25:
- (11235) DUNN, G.A., 1996. Insects of the
Great Lakes Region. Univ. Michigan Press, Ann Arbor,
viii+324 pp. ISBN 0-472-06515-7 (pbk).
- (11236) EDELAAR, P., K.D. DIJKSTRA & N.J.
DINGEMANSE, 1996. Hemianax ephippiger: a new dragonfly for
the Netherlands (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Ent. Ber.,
Amst. 56(12): 192-195.
& F. SUHLING, 1996. Die Flussjungfern (Odonata:
Gomphidae) der südlichen Allerzuflüsse,
Niedersachsen. Braunschweig. naturk. Schr. 5(1):
21-34. (With Engl. s.).
- (11238) EWERS, M., 1996. Zum Vorkommen der
Sumpf-Heidelibelle (Sympetrum depressiusculum) und anderer
Libellenarten an den Ahlhorner Fischteichen. Oldenburg.
Jb. 96: 297-312.
- (11239) FINCHER, F., 1996. Foreword. In:
M. Averill, The dragonflies of Worcestershire, p. 3, Averill,
Kidderminster, ISBN 0-9528288-0-4.
- (11240) [FLORIN, J.] [MALICKY, H.], 1996
[Obituary]. Dr Janett Florin. Braueria 23: 9, with
portrait. (Engl.).
- (11241) FRASERIA (New Series). South
Asian Bulletin of Odonatology, Vol. 2, No. 1/2 (1 Dec.
- (11242) GÖCKING, C., 1996.
Bioökologische Untersuchungen zur Libellenfauna im
Naturpark Barnim (Brandenburg). Dipl.Arb. Inst.
Landschaftsökol., Univ. Münster. vi+140 pp., 7 app.
- (11243) GOMPHUS. Mededelingsblad van de
belgische libellenonderzoekers. - [Bulletin de liaison des
odonatologues belges], Vol. 12, No. 4 (Dec. 1996; received 28
Feb. 1997). (Dutch & Fr.).
- (11244) GORB, S.N., 1996. Design of insect
unguitractor apparatus. J. Morphol. 230:
- (11245) GRACILE. [Newsletter of
Odonatology]. Published by the Kansai Research Group of
Odonatology, Osaka, No. 56 (8 Dec. 1996). (Jap., with Engl.
- (11246) GRETHER, G.F., 1996. Intersexual
competition alone favors a sexually dimorphic ornament in the
Rubyspot Damselfly Hetaerina americana. Evolution
50(5): 1949-1957.
- (11247) GRETHER, G.F., 1996. Sexual selection and
survival selection on wing coloration and body size in the
Rubyspot Damselfly Hetaerina americana. Evolution
50(5): 1939-1948.
- (11248) HELLMUND, M. & W. HELLMUND, 1996.
Fossile Zeugnisse zum Verhalten von Kleinlibellen aus Rott.
In: W. von Koenigswald, [Ed.],
Fossillagerstätte Rott bei Hennef im Siebengebirge, pp.
57-60, Rheinlandia, Siegburg.
- (11249) HELLMUND, M. & W. HELLMUND, 1996. Zur
endophytischen Eiablage fossiler Kleinlibellen (Insecta,
Odonata, Zygoptera), mit Beschreibung eines neuen Gelegetyps.
Mitt. bayer. Staatsslg Paläont. hist. Geol. 36:
107-115. (With Engl. s.).
- (11250) HOEFFNAGEL, W.J.A., 1996. Odonata
(libellen) van de randgebieden rondom het Naardermeer. -
[Odonates (dragonflies) in the areas adjacent to Naarder
Lake]. Hoeffnagel, Hilversum, ii+20 pp.
- (11251) HOLUSA, O., 1996. Dva pipady
atypických tandem u váek (Odonata). - [Two
cases of unusual tandems of dragonflies (Odonata)]. as.
slezsk. Mus. Opave (A) 45: 189. (Czech, with Engl.
- (11252) HOLUSA, O., 1996. Výskyt
vzácných druh váek (Odonata) na
území eské republiky. - [Discoveries of
rare species of dragonflies (Odonata) in Czech Republic].
as. slezsk. Mus. Opave (A) 45: 81-85. (Czech, with
Engl. s.).
- (11253) HOOPER, R.E. & M.T. SIVA-JOTHY, 1996.
Last male sperm precedence in a damselfly demonstrated by
RAPD profiling. Molec. Ecol. 5(3):
- (11254) IUCN, 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of
threatened animals. IUCN, Gland-Cambridge. lxxx+368 pp.
ISBN 2-8317-0335-2.
- (11255) [JIGE, Y.], 1996. [Blue aka-tombo found
in Okayama]. Flash, 1996 (10 Dec.): 45-46.
- (11256) KÄHLERT, J., 1996. Auf Libellenjagd
in Florida. Fotografie draussen 27(5): 19-23, 2
phots excl.
- (11257) KEROVEC, M. et al. [Odon. by F. PEROVI],
1996. Turopolje. Hrvatsko ekoloko drutvo
(HED), Zagreb. 6 pp. (Croat.).
- (11258) KIELB, M.A., E. BRIGHT & M.F.
O'BRIEN, 1996. Range extension of Stylogomphus albistylus
(Odonata: Gomphidae) for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Gt Lakes Ent. 29(2): 87-88.
- (11259) KOMNICK, H., B. WEIHER & D.
WACHTMANN, 1996. Is monoacylglycerol as an intermediate of
triacylglycerol digestion absorbed by Aeshna cyanea larvae?
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B) 114(3):
- (11260) LEMPERT, J., 1996. Zur Libellenfauna der
ostfriesischen Insel Wangerooge. Seevögel
17(4): 82-87. (With Engl. s.).
Société française
d'odonatologie, No. 9 (10 Dec. 1996).
- (11262) LIBELLENNIEUWSBRIEF, Hilversum,
Vol. 4, No. 5 (no date), 1996 [received 22 Jan. 1997]
- (11263) LIBELLULA. Mitteilungsblatt der
Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO), Vol. 15,
No. 3/4 (Dec. 1996).
- (11264) LOHMANN, H., 1996. Das phylogenetische
System der Anisoptera (Odonata). Erster Nachtrag. Ent.
Z., Essen 106(9): 360-367. (With Engl.
- (11265) LOHMEYER, M., 1996. New Austrian national
park opens. Danube Watch 2(4): 12-13.
- (11266) MARTINEZ-DELCLÓS, X., 1996. El
registro fósil de los insectos. Boln Asoc. esp.
Ent. 20(1/2): 9-30. (With Engl. s.).
- (11267) MARTINIA. Bulletin des
odonatologues de France, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Dec.
- (11268) MATSUKI, K. & Y. SAITOU, 1996.
Chiba-ken san Yamasanae zoku youchu no kubetsuten. -
[Difference between the larvae of Anisogomphus melaenops
(Sel.) and A. pryeri (Sel.)]. Boso no Konchu 17:
1-16. (Jap.).
- (11269) MATTHEY, W. & D. BORCARD, 1996. La
vie animale dans les tourbières jurassiennes.
Bull. Soc. neuchâtel. Sci. nat. 119:
- (11270) [MEIER, C.], 1996. Blaue Liste der
gefährdeten Libellen im Testgebiet. In: A.
Gigon, R. Langenauer, C. Meier & B. Nievergelt,
"Blaue Listen" der erfolgreich erhaltenen oder
gefördeten Tier- und Pflanzenarten der Roten Listen, mit
Hinweisen zur Förderung gefährdeter Arten, pp.
34-39, cumulative references pp. 89-95, Schweiz.
Wissenschaftsrat [Programm TA], Bern.
- (11271) MERMOD-FRICKER, F., 1996. Bibliographie
concernant la faune entomologique suisse, 1994. Bull.
romand Ent. 14: 161-173.
- (11272) [MILLER, P.L.] CORBET, P., 1996.
[Obituary]. Peter Miller. Independent, issue of 6
May, with portrait.
- (11273) [MILLER, P.L.] SIMPSON, S.J., 1996.
[Obituary]. Peter Lamont Miller (1931-1996). Physiol.
Ent. 31(3): 165-166, portrait incl.
- (11274) MITRA, T.R. & G. MUKHERJEE, 1996.
Studies on the area of wings of female Palpopleura
sexmaculata sexmaculata (Fabricius) (Odonata: Libellulidae)
of Sikkim. J. Bengal nat. Hist. Soc. 15(1):
- (11275) [MOHAMEDSAID, M.S.], 1996. Pusat
Sistematik Serangga, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. - [The
Centre for Insect Systematics, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia]. Serangga 1(1): 1-6. (Malay &
- (11276) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Die Libellenfauna
und deren Gefährdungsstatus im Land Sachsen-Anhalt
(Odonata). Verh. 14 Int. Symp. EntFaunistik
Mitteleur., München, p. 434.
- (11277) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Fortschreibung der
Roten Listen, dargestellt am Beispiel der Kenntnis- und
Bestandsentwicklung der Libellenfauna Sachsen-Anhalts.
Ber. Landesamt. Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 21:
- (11278) MÜLLER, J., 1996.
Ökofaunistische Übersicht zum Vorkommen der
Federlibelle Platycnemis pennipes (Odonata) in
Sachsen-Anhalt. Ent. Mitt. Sachsen-Anhalt 4(1/2):
- (11279) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Südliche
Mosaikjungfer (Aeshna affinis) - Invasionsart oder
Neubürger? NatSchutz Sachsen-Anhalt 33(1): 2,
col. phot. excl.
- (11280) MÜLLER, J., 1996. Vorläufige
Mitteilung zum indigenen Vorkommen der Asiatischen
Keiljungfer Gomphus flavipes (Odonata) in
Biosphärenreservat Mittlere Elbe/Flusslandschaft Elbe
(Sachsen-Anhalt). Ent. Mitt. Sachsen-Anhalt 4(1/2):
- (11281) MUÑOZ-POZO, B. & M.
FERRERAS-ROMERO, 1996. Fenología y voltinismo de
Aeshna mixta Latreille, 1805 (Odonata, Aeshnidae) en Sierra
Morena (sur de España).Boln R. Soc. esp. Hist.
nat. 92(1/4): 239-244. (With Engl. s.).
- (11282) MURAKI, A. & K. KITAGAWA, 1996. [A
note on two species of the genus Idionyx from Chiangmai,
Thailand]. Gekkan-Mushi 306: 29-31.
- (11283) NARAOKA, H., 1996. Ecology and change of
body colour of Nehalennia speciosa (Coenagrionidae, Odonata).
Gekkan-Mushi 307: 7-13. (Jap., with Engl.
- (11284) [PEÑA-G., L.] COSCARÓN, S.,
1996. [Obituary]. Luis Peña Guzman (1921-1995).
Revta Soc. ent. argent. 55(1/4): 130.
- (11285) PIPER, W., E. HARTWIG & T. OLTHOFF,
1996. Zur Insektenfauna der Insel Nigehörn.
Seevögel 17(4): 77-81. (With Engl.
- (11286) PLAISTOW, S. & M.T. SIVA-JOTHY, 1996.
Energetic constraints and male mate-securing tactics in the
damselfly Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma (Charpentier).
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (B) 263:
- (11287) POGGI, R. & C. CONCI, 1996. Elenco
delle collezioni entomologiche conservate nelle strutture
pubbliche italiane. Memorie Soc. ent. ital. 75:
3-157. (With Engl. s.).
- (11288) PORTER, J., 1996. 1995 Annual Exhibition,
Imperial College, London: Odonata. Br. J. Ent. nat.
Hist. 9(4): 239.
- (11289) RAUHUT, B., 1996. Errichtung und
Sicherung schutzwürdiger Teile von Natur und Landschaft
mit gesamtstaatlich repräsentativer Bedeutung. Projekt:
Krähenbeer-Küstenheiden, Niedersachsen. Natur
Landschaft 71(7/8): 295-303. (With Engl.
- (11290) REINHARDT, K., 1996. Negative effects of
Arrenurus water mites on the flight distances of the
damselfly Nehalennia speciosa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae).
Aquatic Insects 18(4): 233-240.
- (11291) RESH, V.H. & D.O. YAMAMOTO, 1996.
International collaboration in the publication of
entomological research. Am. Ent. 42(1):
- (11292) [RESUMOS] 7° CONGRESO
IBÉRICO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Santiago de Compostela,
19-23 Sept. 1996. Asoc. Españ. Ent.,
- (11293) ROBINSON, J.V. & R. ALLGEYER, 1996.
Covariation in life-history traits, demographics and
behaviour in ischnuran damselflies: the evolution of
monandry. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 58(1):
- (11294) RYAZANOVA, G.I., 1996.
Territorial'naya konkurenciya u lichinok strekoz. -
[Territorial competition in dragonfly larvae (Odonata)].
Zool. Zh. 75(10): 1463-1473. (Russ., with Engl.
- (11295) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1996. Territorial competition in the
larval cycle of Calopteryx splendens (Odonata,
Calopterygidae). Ent. Review 75(6):
- (11296) SAITOU, Y. & S. OGATA, 1996. Hong
Kong no tombo rui-1995 nen 10 gatsu - 1996 nen 10 gatsu no
kiroku. - [Records of Hong Kong dragonflies, collected from
October 1995 to October 1996.] Boso no Konchu 17:
25-41. (Jap., with taxonomic nomenclature).
- (11297) SAMWAYS, M.J., 1996. Insects on the brink
of a major discontinuity. Biodivers. Conserv. 5:
- (11298) SANDHU, R. & G.K. WALIA, 1996.
Karyological studies on five species of genus Ischnura
(Coenagrionidae: Zygoptera: Odonata). Progr. Abstr. 9th
All-India Congr. Cytol. Genet., p. 58, Dept Zool.,
Panjab Univ., Chandigarh.
- (11299) SCHATTON, M. & D. WACHTMANN, 1996.
Immunohistochemical demonstration of microtubules in midgut
enterocytes of larval dragonflies (Aeshna cyanea). Eur.
J. Cell Biol. 69(Suppl. 42): 54.
- (11300) SCHIESS-BÜHLER, H. & C.
SCHIESS-BÜHLER, 1996. Vorläufige Übersicht
über einige Insektengruppen (Libellen, Heuschrecken,
Tagfalter) und ihre Schutzbedürfnisse im östlichen
Teil der Moorlandschaft Ibergeregg. Ber. schwyz. naturf.
Ges. 11: 51-64.
- (11301) SCHMIDT, E., 1996. Naturschutzkonforme
und ökologisch relevante Odonaten-Faunistik auf der
Grundlage von Sichterfassungen mit Fotodokumentation am
Beispiel der Zygopteren Erythromma viridulum und Cercion
lindenii im Flachland von Nordrhein-Westfalen (Odonata:
Coenagrionidae). Verh. 14 int. Symp. Entomofaunistik
Mitteleur., München 1994, pp.
- (11302) SCHMIDT, E., 1996. Ökosystem
See. [5th, completely revised & enlarged edn, in 2
vols]. [Vol. 1]: Der Uferbereich des Sees. Quelle
& Meyer, Wiesbaden. 333 pp. ISBN
- (11303) SCHNEIDER-JACOBY, M., 1996. Drau und
Mur. Leben durch Flussdynamik. [Odon. pp. 94-97].
Naturerbe Verlag, Überlingen, ISBN
- (11304) SHIYAKE, S. & Y. MIYATAKE, 1996.
Insect fossil [sic!]. Osaka Mus. Nat. Hist., Osaka.
60 pp., 8 col. pls excl. (Jap., with Engl.
- (11305) SIOJA. Information bulletin of
the SIO Japan Branch Office, Osaka, 1996, No. 2 (8 Dec.
1996). (Jap.).
- (11306) SIVA-JOTHY, M.T. & R.E. HOOPER, 1996.
Differential use of stored sperm during oviposition in the
damselfly Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma (Charpentier).
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 39(6):
- (11307) STERNBERG, K., 1996. Colour, colour
change, colour patterns and 'cuticular windows' as
light traps: their thermoregulatoric and ecological
significance in some Aeshna species (Odonata: Aeshnidae).
Zool. Anz. 235: 77-88.
- (11308) STETTMER, C., 1996. Colonisation and
dispersal patterns of banded (Calopteryx splendens) and
beautiful demoiselles (C. virgo) (Odonata: Calopterygidae) in
south-east German streams. Eur. J. Ent. 93(4):
- (11309) STOKKELAND, I., 1996. A bibliography
of Norwegian mayfly, damselfly, dragonfly and stonefly
publications (Insecta: Ephemeroptera; Odonata; Plecoptera)
1882-1993. Norsk Ent. Foren, Stavanger, 109 pp. [Insecta
Norvegiae, Vol. 6; ISSN 0800-1790].
- (11310) SUGIYAMA, A., M. TAKAGI & K.
MARUYAMA, 1996. A laboratory experiment of the predation by
possible predators on Culex triaeniorhynchus larvae.
Trop. Med. 38(1): 7-12.
- (11311) SUHLING, F. & O. MÜLLER, 1996.
Die Flussjungfern Europas (Gomphidae). Westarp
Wissenschaften, Magdeburg & Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,
Heidelberg-Berlin-Oxford. 237 pp., 3 col. pls incl. ISBN
3-89432-459-7. [Neue Brehm Bücherei 628 / Libellen
Europas 2].
- (11312) TANABA, H. & M. SUGIMURA, 1996.
Shimanto no konchu tachi. - [Insects along the Shimanto
River]. Kochi Shimbunsha, Kochi. 216 pp. (Jap., with
taxonomic nomenclature).
- (11313) TELFORD, S.R., M. BARNETT & D.A.
POLAKOW, 1996. The functional significance of tibial displays
in the damselfly Platycypha caligata (Selys) (Odonata:
Chlorocyphidae). J. Ins. Behav. 9(5):
- (11314) TERZANI, F. & A. SFORZI, 1996.
Analisi della colorazione alare in alcune popolazioni della
Toscana settentrionale di Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis (Vander
Linden, 1825) (Odonata Calopterygidae). Boll. Soc. ent.
ital. 128(2): 105-110. (With Engl. s.).
Published by the Society of Odonatology, Tokyo, Vol. 39, No.
1/4 (31 Dec. 1996). (Mostly Jap., with Engl. s's, all
with Engl. titles).
- (11316) UBUKATA, H. & K. WAKATSUKI, 1996. A
case of death during emergence of Epiophlebia superstes
(Selys) in Kushiro-cho, Hokkaido. Sylvicola 14: 48.
(Jap., with Engl. title).
- (11317) [UJHÉLYI, S.] [MALICKY, H.], 1996.
[Obituary]. Dr Sándor Ujhélyi.
Braueria 23: 9, with portrait.
- (11318) VAN PELT, G.J., 1996. Notes on
Cordulegaster Leach and Neallogaster Cowley from China, and
the identity of Anotogaster annandalei Fraser (Insecta;
Odonata: Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae). Zool. Meded.
Leiden 70(27): 399-410.
1996. The BENHS Expedition to Belize, January-February 1996.
Br. J. Ent. nat. Hist. 9(4): 197-203.
- (11320) WASSCHER, M., 1996. De
Viervlek-libellentrek van mei 1925. - [On the mass migration
of Libellula quadrimaculata in May 1925]. Levende
Nat. 97(6): 251-255. (Dutch, with Engl.
- (11321) WEIHER, B. & H. KOMNICK, 1996.
Digestion and utilization of phosphatidycholines by Aeshna
cyanea larvae. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 69(Suppl. 42):
- (11322) WELZ, A., 1996.
Gewässerökologische Studien zur Besiedlung
eines neu angelegten Feuchtbiotops durch Libellen im
Artland. HausArb. Staatsprüf. Lehramt
Sekundarstufe-II, Münster. iv+78 pp.
S.A. AFFIFF, 1996. The ecology of Java and Bali.
Periplus Editions, Hong Kong. xxiii+969 pp. ISBN
- (11324) WILHELMY, H. & B.W. SCHARF, 1996.
Makrozoobenthos des Arendsees, Sachsen-Anhalt.
Braunschweig. naturk. Schr. 5(1): 85-90. (With Engl.
- (11325) WINHARD, W., 1996. Konvergente
Farbmusterentwicklungen bei Tagfaltern:
Freilanduntersuchungen in Asien, Afrika und Südamerika.
Spixiana (Suppl.) 21: 1-192. (With Engl. & Span.
- (11326) YOKOYAMA, T., 1996. A new locality of
Aeschnophlebia longistigma Selys (Odonata, Aeshnidae) in
Hokkaido, with ecological notes. Gekkan-Mushi 309:
24-27. (Jap., with Engl. s.).
- (11327) HAGENIA. Mitteilungsblatt des
deutschen Büros der SIO und der GdO, No. 13 (1 March
- (11328) HILFERT, D. & G. RÜPPELL, 1997.
Early morning oviposition of dragonflies with low
temperatures for male-avoidance (Odonata: Aeshnidae,
Libellulidae). Entomol. gen. 21(3): 177-188. (With
Germ. s.).
- (11329) IHSSEN, G., 1997. Florida vom 15.03 bis
05.04.1994. Ein naturkundliches Reisetagebuch mit
ausführlicher Behandlung der Libellenfunde (Odonata).
Naturk. Reiseber. 6: 1-52, references pp.
- (11330) IHSSEN, G., 1997. Libellenreise nach
Florida im Herbst 1994: Ergebnisse und Erlebnisse. Mit
Beobachtungen van Säugern, Vögeln, Amphibien und
Reptilien sowie Schmetterlings- und Botaniknotizen.
Naturk. Reiseber. 6: 55-107, col. pls excl.
(Annotated odon. checklist, locality data, field notes &
comments in Engl., pp. 66-87).
- (11331) IHSSEN, G., 1997. Naturkundliche
Reisenotizen aus Florida vom 9. bis 23. März 1991.
(Reisetagebuch, Libellenbericht, Tagfalter, Wirbeltiere).
Naturk. Reiseber. 9: 31-61.
- (11332) IHSSEN, G., E. KAPPES & W.
KAPPES, 1997. Florida: naturkundliche Reisenotizen 25. Dez.
1988 bis 6. Jan. 1989. (Reisetagebuch, Libellenbericht,
Tagfalter, Amphibien, Reptilien, Vögel). Naturk.
Reiseber. 9: 1-29.
- (11333) JÖDICKE, M., 1997. An alle
deutschen Abonnenten von Odonatologica. Lay-in,
circulated in Germany with Vol. 26, No. 1. 1 p.
- (11334) JOHANNING, J., 1997. Einheimische
Libellen, ihr Vorkommen und ihre Gefährdung. Jb.
Oldenburg Münsterland 1997: 289-310.
- (11335) KOTARAC, M., 1997. Inventarizacija
flore, favne in vegetacije in izdelava poroila za potrebe
Poroila o vplivih okolja na obmoju zadrevalnika Drtijica na
odseku AC Blagovica-entjakob. Kaji pastirji (Odonata). Vmesno
poroilo. - [Dragonflies (Odonata) in the area of the
projected retention lake on the Drtijica River, Hwy
Blagovica-entjakob]. Slovene Mus. Nat. Hist., Ljubljana.
8 pp. (Slovene).
- (11336) RIEGLER, R., [1932-1986] reprint 1987.
Libelle. In: H. Bächtold-Stäubli & E.
Hoffmann-Krayer, Handwörterbuch des deutschen
Aberglaubens, Vol. 5, pp. 1229-1240, W. de Gruyter,
Berlin-New York, ISBN 3-11-011194-2.
- (11337) ANDREW, R.J., 1988. Studies on the
developmental changes in the neuroendocrine system,
reproductive organs and haemolymph intermediary metabolites
in the last instar nymph-adult dragonfly, Tramea virginia
(Rambur) (Anisoptera: Odonata). PhD thesis, P.-G. Dept
Zool., Nagpur Univ., Nagpur. viii+306 pp., 300 figs (mostly
micrographs) & 38 tabs excl.
- (11338) KIWEK, F. & G. HÖSS, 1989.
Fliegende Drachen. Fliegenfischer 15(85):
- (11339) SCHWEIGER[-CHWALA], E., A.
Lobau: vorläufige Ergebnisse und Perspektiven.
Aufbau Perspektiven 1989 (Dec.):
- (11340) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1990. Analiz roli orientiruyushchih
stimulov, ispol'zuemyh lichinkami strekoz pri poiske
ubezhishcha. - [Analysis of the role of orienting stimuli
used by dragon-flies during a search for shelter]. Zh.
obshch. Biol. 51(6): 809-816. (Russ., with Engl.
- (11341) ALAM, S., N.J. SARKER & K.Z. HUSAIN,
1992. Food habits of Rana tigrina Daudin. Bangladesh J.
Zool. 20(1): 113-124.
- (11342) IMHOF, G., E. ZWICKER & P.
CHRISTOF-DIRRY, 1992. Charakterisierung anthropogen
unterschiedlich beeinflusster Lebensräume an
verlandenden Altarmen im Planungsraum des
Wasseranreicherungsversuches Obere Lobau. Österr.
Wasserwirt. 44(11/12): 322-336. (With Engl.
- (11343) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1992. Vzaimodeystviya lichinok strekozy
Calopteryx splendens Harris (Odonata: Calopterygidae) v
svyazy s vzaimnym opoznaniem i prostranstvennym
raspredeleniem. - [Interactions of larvae of the dragonfly
Calopteryx splendens Harris (Odonata: Calopterygidae)
respective to their mutual recognition and spatial
distribution]. Zh. obshch. Biol. 53(5): 736-743.
(Russ., with Engl. s.).
- (11344) BEGUM, A., M. KHATUN, A. MATIN & B.K.
BAKSI, 1993. Studies on the larval stages and meiotic
chromosomes of Sympetrum hypomelus Selys [sic!] (Odonata:
Anisoptera). Bangladesh J. Zool. 21(2):
- (11345) BERNARD, R., 1993. XII Miedzynarodowe
Sympozjum Odonatologii, Osaka (Japonia), 1-11 VIII 1993.
Wiad. Ent. 12(4): 308-309. (Pol.).
- (11346) CHOWDHURY, S.H. & M. MOHIUDDIN, 1993.
More dragonflies from the Chittagong University Campus.
Bangladesh J. Zool. 21(2): 149-150.
- (11347) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1993. Osobennosti prostranstvennogo
raspredeleniya lichinok strekoz Calopteryx splendens
(Odonata) v prisutstvii ryb. Zool. Zh. 72(3): 68-75.
(Russ., with Engl. s.).
- (11348) GUNKEL, G., 1994. Bioindikation in
aquatischen Ökosystemen. Fischer, Jena-Stuttgart.
540 pp. ISBN 3-334-60535-3.
- (11349) MALICKY, H., 1994. Bestandsaufnahme der
Publikationssprachen in der Entomologie. Entomol.
gen. 18(3/4): 285-292. (With Engl. s.).
- (11350) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1994. K probleme vzaimnogo opoznaniya:
syshchestvuet li taksonomicheskaya specifichnost'
dvizheniy i poz pri kontaktah lichinok strekoz? - [On the
problem of mutual recognition: is there taxonomic specifics
of movements and postures during contacts between dragonfly
larvae?] Zh. obshch. Biol. 55(4/5): 623-632. (Russ.,
with Engl. s.).
- (11351) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1994. Proyavlenie kannibalizma i
mezhvidovoe hishchnichestvo u lichinok ravnokrylyh strekoz. -
[Cannibalism and intraspecific predation in larval
damselflies.] Dokl. Akad. Nauk 335(5): 662-663.
- (11352) AMBRUS, A., K. BÁNKUTI & T.
KOVÁCS, 1995. A Bereg-Szatmári-sík
Odonata faunája. - [The Odonata fauna of the
Bereg-Szatmári-sík]. Fol. hist. nat. Mus.
matraensis 20: 63-83. (Hung., with Engl.
- (11353) AMBRUS, A., K. BÁNKUTI & T.
KOVÁCS, 1995. Az Örség szitakötö
faunája. - [The Odonata fauna of Örség
(western Hungary)]. Savaria (nat. hist.) 22(2):
49-62. (Hung., with Engl. s.).
- (11354) CHE SALMAH, M.R. & A. ABU HASSAN,
1995. Diversity of aquatic insects in rice ecosystem,
with emphasis on the Odonata of West Malaysia. Int.
Symp. Workshop Conserv. Biol., Univ. Malaysia Sarawak,
Kuching, 10 pp., 4 figs excl.
- (11355) D'ANTONIO, C., 1995. Reperti.
Sympetrum depressiusculum (Sélys, 1841). Boll.
Ass. romana Ent. 50(1/4): 85.
- (11356) JANECEK, B.F.U., O. MOOG & J.
WARINGER, 1995. Odonata. In: O. Moog, [Ed.], Fauna
aquatica austriaca, (Lief. Mai/95), 13 pp. (Sep.),
Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Bundesminist. Land- u.
Forstwirtschaft, Wien. ISBN 3-85-174-001-7.
Published by the Kansai Research Group of Odonatology, Osaka,
Nos 16 (26 March 1995), 17 (3 Dec. 1995), 18 (20 May 1996),
19 (8 Dec. 1996), 20 (23 March 1997). (Jap., with Engl.
- (11358) P[OPP], D., 1995. Libellen.
Fliegenfischer 20(117): 30-35.
- (11359) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1995. Territorial'naya konkurenciya
i prostranstvennoe raspredelenie y lichinok ravnokrylyh
strekoz (Odonata: Zygoptera). - [Territorial competition and
distribution in damselfly larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera)].
Dokl. Akad. Nauk 341(1): 137-139.
- (11360) RYAZANOVA, G.I. & G.A.
MAZOKHIN-PORSHNYAKOV, 1995. Territorial'naya konkurenciya
v zhizni lichinok strekozy Calopteryx splendens (Odonata,
Calopterygidae). Zool. Zh. 74(12): 24-30. (Russ.,
with Engl. s.).
- (11361) SINHA, V. & A. SINHA, 1995. [Photo
safari]: Argiope spider catching prey. Environ,
Calcutta 3(1): 22.
- (11362) STAUDER, A., 1995. Survey of the Madeiran
limnological fauna and their zoogeographical distribution.
Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal (Suppl.) 4:
- (11363) ADOMSSENT, M., 1996. Zum Vorkommen der
Gemeinen Keiljungfer (Gomphus vulgatissimus) an einer
norddeutschen Wasserstrasse. Artenschutzreport
1996(6): 37-40. (With Engl. s.).
- (11364) AMBRUS, A., K. BÁNKUTI & T.
KOVÁCS, 1996. Countrywide survey of Bern Convention
dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) in Hungary. Coll. conserv.
Managem. Restor. Habitats, Killarney, pp.
- (11365) ANDERSON, T.M. & R.W. WISSEMAN, 1996.
A northern range extension of Tanypteryx hageni (Odonata:
Petaluridae). J. ent. Soc. Br. Columbia 93:
- (11366) ANDREW, R.J. & D.B. TEMBHARE, 1996.
The post-ovarian genital complex in the damselfly Ischnura a.
aurora (Brauer) (Insecta: Odonata). J. adv. Zool.
17(2): 93-97.
- (11367) ASAHINA, S., 1996. Records of the
Northern Vietnamese Odonata taken by the expedition members
from the National Science Museum, Tokyo. 4. Libellaginidae,
Euphaeidae, Calopterygidae and Amphipterygidae. Bull.
natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo (A) 22(4): 189-198.
- (11368) BEDJANIC, M., 1996. Ogroenost favne kajih
pastirjev (Odonata). - [Threat status of dragonfly fauna].
In: J. Gregori et al., [Eds], Narava Slovenije,
stanje in perspektive, pp. 278-284, Dr. ekologov Slovenije,
Ljubljana. (Slov., with Engl. s.).
- (11369) BELLE, J., 1996. Higher classification of
the South-American Gomphidae (Odonata). Zool. Meded.,
Leiden 70(21): 297-324.
- (11370) BLADES, D.C.A. & C.W. MAIER, 1996. A
survey of grassland and montane arthropods collected in the
southern Okanagan region of British Columbia. J. ent.
Soc. Br. Columbia 93: 49-73.
- (11371) CANNINGS, R.J. & S.G. CANNINGS, 1996.
British Columbia natural history. Greystone Books,
Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver-Toronto. x+310 pp. (hard
cover, 19´26 cm). ISBN 1-55054-497-7.
- (11372) CHWALA, E. & J. WARINGER, 1996.
Association patterns and habitat selection of dragonflies
(Insecta: Odonata) at different types of Danubian backwaters
at Vienna, Austria. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl.) 115:
- (11373) CLARK, T.E. & M.J. SAMWAYS, 1996.
Dragonflies (Odonata) as indicators of biotope quality in the
Kruger National Park, South Africa. J. appl. Ecol.
33(5): 1001-1012.
- (11374) COBURGER, K., 1996. Zum Vorkommen der
Prachtlibellen Calopteryx splendens und C. virgo in den
ostthüringischen Flusstälern der Weissen Elster und
der Weida. Artenschutzreport 1996(6): 49-50. (With
Engl. s.).
- (11375) DE GROOT, T., 1996. Libellen bij
Natuurmonumenten. - [Dragonflies and Nature
Conservancy]. Ver. Natuurmonumenten, 's-Graveland.
vi+54 pp. (Dutch).
- (11376) EDA, S., 1996. [A mass-occurrence of
Rhyothemis fuliginosa in Toyoshima-machi, Nagano pref.]
New Ent. 45(3/4): 34. (Jap.).
- (11377) GIMBUTAS, M., 1996. Die Sprache der
Göttin. Das verschüttete Symbolsystem der
westlichen Zivilisation. Zweitausendeins-Verlag,
Frankfurt/Main. xxiii+416 pp. ISBN
- (11378) GIMBUTAS, M., 1996. Die Zivilisation
der Göttin. Die Welt des alten Europa.
Zweitausendeins-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main. xi+560 pp. ISBN
- (11379) HATCH, J., 1996. The dragonfly of
Lookout Mountain. Earth Heart, Mount Shasta/CA. 128 pp.
ISBN 0-934747-42-3.
- (11380) HEITZ, A., S. HEITZ, K. WESTERMANN &
S. WESTERMANN, 1996. Verbreitung und Bestandsdichte der
Gemeinen Keiljungfer (Gomphus vulgatissimus) am
südlichen Oberrhein: Dokumentation der Larven- und
Exuvienfunde. NatSchutz südl. Oberrhein 1:
187-210. (With Engl. s.).
- (11381) HIRUKAWA, N., 1996. [Dragonfly records
from Kiso-gun and Yasuoka-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano pref.].
New Ent. 45(3/4): 90. (Jap., with taxonomic
- (11382) HOLUSA, O., 1996. Nálezy
vzácných druh váek (Odonata) na
územi Slovenska. - [Finding some rare species of
dragonflies in Slovakia]. Entomofauna carpath. 8:
151-153. (Czech, with Engl. & Slovak
- (11383) HOLUSA, O., 1996. Výskyt
váky árkované v R a SR a barevné
formy jejich samic. - [The occurrence of the Hatched
Dragonfly in the Czech and Slovak Republics]. iva
44: 173. (Czech, with Engl. s.).
- (11384) HREN, A. & M. KLUN, 1996.
Prispevek k poznavanju kajih pastirjev (Odonata) na
ribniko-koevskem obmoju. - [Contribution to the present known
material on dragonflies (Odonata) in the area around Ribnica
and Koevje]. Raziskovalna naloga. Gimnazija Koevje. 41
pp. (Slovene, with Engl. & Germ. s's).
- (11385) KIELB, M.A., 1996. Occurrence of
libellulid dragonflies (Odonata: Libellulidae) in
southeastern Michigan and adjacent Essex County, Ontario.
Gr. Lakes Ent. 29(1): 1-6.
- (11386) KIENE, S., 1996. Vergleichende
limnofaunistische und morphologische Untersuchungen an
renaturierten, naturnahen und begradigten
Flachlandbächen in der Oberrheinebene. TagBer. dt.
Ges. Limnol. 1995(2): 548-552.
- (11387) KRACH, J.E., 1996. Bemerkenswerte
Libellenfunde aus dem Schuttermoos. Globulus 3:
- (11388) KRANJC, M., 1996. Tisti dan je bil na.
In: I. inkovec, [Ed.], Zakladi narave. Ekoloki
raziskovalni tabor "Gora 96", p. 17, Zveza
prijateljev mladine, Ajdovina. (Slovene).
- (11389) KRAUS, O., 1996. Das System der Insekten.
NachrBl. bayer. Ent. 45(1/2): 38-45.
- (11390) KRISTIANSEN, J., 1996. Dispersal of
freshwater algae: a review. Hydrobiologia 336:
- (11391) LANDI, F. & F. BERGHELLA, 1996.
Reperti. (Odonata: Corduliidae, Libellulidae). Boll. Ass.
romana Ent. 50(1/4): 83-84.
- (11392) LARSEN, J., H.J.B. BIRKS, G.G. RADDUM
& A. FJELLHEIM, 1996. Quantitative relationships of
invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems.
Hydrobiologia 328: 57-74.
list of insects of the Red Data Book of Latvia. Latv.
Ent. 35: 53-56.
- (11394) LEE, S.-M., 1996. Dragonflies (Odonata)
of Korean peninsula. Bull. KACN 15: 73-114. (Korean,
with Engl. s.).
- (11395) LOTZING, K., 1996. Die Verbreitung der
Gebänderten Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx splendens Harris)
im Bereich der Bodenniederung des Altkreises Stassfurt: die
Chronik einer Wiederbesiedlung? Ent. Mitt.
Sachsen-Anhalt 4(1/2): 32-35.
- (11396) LOUTON, J.A., R.W. GARRISON & O.S.
FLINT, 1996. The Odonata of Parque Nacional Manu, Madre de
Dios, Peru: natural history, species richness and comparisons
with other Peruvian sites. In: D.E. Wilson & A.
Sandoval, [Eds], Manu: the biodiversity of southern Peru, pp.
431-449, Smithsonian Instn, Washington, D.C. ISBN
- (11397) MALAVASI, D., 1996. Contributo alla
conoscenca degli odonati dell'isola di Ustica (Odonata).
Boll. Ass. romana Ent. 50(1/4): 1-2 (With Engl.
- (11398) MARTÍNEZ-DELCLÒS, X., 1996.
Origen y diversificacion de los insectos su registro fosil.
Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 16: 125-138.
- (11399) MÉNARD, B., 1996. Liste
annotée des odonates de la Vallée de
l'Outaouais. Fabreries 21(2): 29-61. (With Engl.
- (11400) [MILLER, P.L.] CONSTANTINE, D., 1996
(published Apr. 1997). [Obituary] Peter L. Miller.
Queen's Coll. Rec., Oxford 7(2): 14-17, portrait
- (11401) MITRA, A., 1996. A note on dragonfly
predation by the garden lizard, Calotes versicolor (Daudin).
Ann. Forestry, Dehra Dun 4(1):
- (11402) MITRA, A., 1996. Reproductive ethobiology
of Pseudagrion rubriceps Selys (Zygoptera: Pseudagriinae) at
Asan Reservoir (Dehra Dun: India). Ann. Forestry, Dehra
Dun 4(2): 139-144.
M. HÄMÄLÄINEN, 1996. Odonate fauna from
Kelantan, Pahan and Muar drainages, Malaysia. In:
A.H. Zainal Abidin & A. Zubaid, [Eds], Conservation and
faunal diversity in Malaysia, pp. 129-139, Penerbit Univ.
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, ISBN 967-942-356-5.
(1996), ISSN 1416-8308. Edited by A. Ambrus, K.
Bánkuti & T. Kovács. (Engl. & Hung.,
all papers with Engl. s's).
- (11405) PEÑALVER, E., 1996. Tecnicas y
metodos de obtención, preparación,
conservación y estudio de insectos fósiles.
Boln Soc. ent. aragon. 16: 157-174.
- (11406) PIRNAT, A., 1996. Hitri lepotci. Poroilo
odonatoloke skupine. In: I. inkovec, [Ed.], Zakladi
narave. Ekoloki raziskovalni tabor "Gora 96", pp.
14-17, Zveza prijateljev mladine, Ajdovina.
- (11407) REDER, G., 1996. Gehäuftes Auftreten
der Südlichen Binsenjungfer Lestes barbarus (Fabricius,
1798) im südlichen Rheinhessen (Insecta: Odonata).
Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz 8: 543-551. (With Engl.
- (11408) REDER, G., 1996. Tandem der
Hufeisen-Azurjungfer Coenagrion puella (L., 1758) mit
verstümmeltem Männchen (Insecta: Odonata).
Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz 8:
- (11409) REINHARDT, K., 1996. Libellen (Odonata)
aus der Saaleniederung zwischen Geisel und Weisser Elster.
Mauritiana 16: 41-44.
- (11410) ROTHMUND, D. & U. HAHN, 1996.
Sympetrum fonscolombei-Beobachtung (Odo., Libellulidae).
Mitt. ent. Ver. Stuttgart 31: 111.
- (11411) ROTHMUND, D., U. HAHN, A. KÖNIG
& K. ZINTZ, 1996. Die Libellenfauna eines
württembergischen Hochwasserrückhaltbeckens
(Herrenbachsee, Landkreis Göppingen). Jh. Ges.
Naturk. Württemberg 152: 267-279. (With Engl.
- (11412) SAMWAYS, M.J., R. OSBORN & I. VAN
HEERDEN, 1996. Distribution of benthic invertebrates at
different depths in a shallow reservoir in the KwaZulu-Natal
Midlands. Koedoe 39(2): 69-76.
- (11413) SARKER, N.J., S. ALAM & K.Z. HUSAIN,
1996. Food habits of Bufo melanostictus Schneider.
Bangladesh J. Zool. 24(1): 81-87.
- (11414) SAVARD, M. & C. GIRARD, 1996.
Première mention de Libellula (Plathemis) lydia Drury
(Odonata: Libellulidae) dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent et note sur
sa répartition au Québec. Fabreries
21(3/4): 88-90. (With Engl. s.).
- (11415) SCHLEUTER, M., 1996. Das Makrozoobenthos
der Mosel als Indikator für die ökologische
Situation. TagBer. dt. Ges. Limnol. 1995(2):
- (11416) SCHRÖDER, H., 1996. Aus den
wissenschaftlichen Abteilungen. Entomologie II. Natur
& Museum 126(11): 370.
- (11417) SHAFFER, L.R. & J.V. ROBINSON, 1996.
Do damselfly larvae recognize and differentially respond to
distinct categories of macroinvertebrates? J. Insect
Behav. 9(3): 407-419.
- (11418) SILVERBERG, H., 1996. Entomofaunistics in
Finland. Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. 72(3/4):
- (11419) TAYLOR, P.D. & G. MERRIAM, 1996.
Habitat fragmentation and parasitism of a forest damselfly.
Landscape Ecol. 11(3): 181-189.
- (11420) THORNTON, I., 1996. Krakatau. The
destruction and reassembly of an island ecosystem.
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge/MA-London. xiv+346 pp. ISBN
- (11421) TRAJANO, E., 1996. Biologia da gruta
Olhos d'Água, Itacarambi, MG. Carste
8(4): 85-89. (Port., with Engl. s.).
1996. Die Eintagsfliegen- und Libellenfauna eines
künstlich geschaffenen
Hinterlandsbewässerungssystems der Donau. TagBer.
dt. Ges. Limnol. 1995(2): 722-726.
- (11423) WESTERMANN, K. & S. WESTERMANN, 1996.
Neufunde der Gelben Keiljungfer (Gomphus simillimus) und
Grünen Keiljungfer (Ophiogomphus cecilia) am Oberrhein
bei Basel. NatSchutz südl. Oberrhein 1:
183-186. (With Engl. s.).
- (11424) XYLANDER, W.E.R., 1996. Erstnachweis der
Pokal-Azurjungfer, Cercion lindeni (Selys, 1840) (Insecta,
Odonata, Coenagrionidae) im Raum Giessen. Oberhess.
naturw. Z. 58: 47-55. (With Engl. s.).
- (11425) AESCHNA. Published by the
Odonatological Society of Osaka, No. 33 (7 Feb. 1997). (Jap.,
with Engl. titles & s's).
- (11426) ANHOLT, B.R., 1997. Sexual size
dimorphism and sex-specific survival in adults of the
damselfly Lestes disjunctus. Ecol. Ent. 22(2):
- (11427) ARENA, J. & C. CALVER, 1997.
Biological control potential of three species of nymphal
odonates against Polypedilum nubifer (Skuse), a nuisance
midge (Diptera: Chironomidae).Aust. J. Ent. 35(4):
- (11428) BAAIJENS, A., 1997. Libellen in Zeeland.
- [Dragonflies in Zeeland prov.]. Nieuwsbr.
Vlinderwerkgroep Midden-Zeeland 5(2): 8-12.
- (11429) BAKER, R.L. & B.P. SMITH, 1997.
Conflict between antipredator and antiparasite behaviour in
larval damselflies. Oecologia 109(4):
- (11430) BECKEMEYER, R.J. & D.G. HUGGINS,
1997. Checklist of Kansas dragonflies [Anisoptera]. Ks
School Naturalist 13(2): 1-16.
- (11431) BEDJANIC, M., 1997. ival meseca aprila:
prisojni zimnik (Sympecma fusca). - [The creature of the
month of April: the dragonfly Sympecma fusca]. Proteus,
Ljubljana 59(8): 387-389, 399. (Slovene, with Engl.
- (11432) BEDJANIC, M., S. PETERLIN & A.
SELIKAR, 1997. Rastlina, ival in biotop leta 97. - [The
plant, the animal and the biotope of 1997]. Sklad za
varstvo narave & Prirodoslovno drutvo Slovenije,
Ljubljana, 8 pp. (Slovene).
- (11433) BERNARD, R. & J. SAMOLAG, 1997.
Analysis of the emergence of Aeshna affinis Vander Linden,
1823 in the vicinity of Pozna, western Poland (Odonata:
Aeshnidae). Opusc. zool. flumin. 153:
- (11434) BERNIER, C., 1997. Odonata 44-85:
l'atlas contemporain. Lettre Atlas ent. rég.
Nantes 8: 107-109.
- (11435) BÖHM, F.M., 1997. Bestandsaufnahme
ausgewählter Tiergruppen in verschiedenen
Lebensräumen des Allgäus. Ber. naturf. Ges.
Augsburg 56: 18-32.
- (11436) BRACHYTRON, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May
1997). Published semiannually by the Netherlands Dragonfly
Society [= Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie];
edited by F. Bos, N. Dingemanse, K.-D. Dijkstra, J. Hermans
& V. Mensing. ISSN 1386-3460.
- (11437) BURKART, W., 1997. Neue
Reproduktionsnachweise der Frühen Heidelibelle
(Sympetrum fonscolombei Selys, 1840) (Odonata: Libellulidae)
in Niedersachsen. Beitr. Naturk. Niedersachs. 50(1):
- (11438) CARLETTI, B. & F. TERZANI, 1997.
Descrizione di Pseudagrion simplicilaminatum spec. nov. della
Repubblica del Congo (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Opusc.
zool. flumin. 152: 1-7. (With Engl. s.).
- (11439) CHEVIN, H., 1997. Les insectes des
dépressions humides dunaires du Cotentin.
Insectes 104(1): 25-28.
- (11440) DE GROOT, T., 1997. De libellenfauna
van het Fochteloërveen. - [Dragonfly fauna of the
Fochteloërveen]. Ver. Natuurmonumenten,
's-Graveland. vi+66 pp. [O & B Rep. No. 97-12].
- (11441) DE GROOT, T., 1997. Libellen in de
Wieden. - [Dragonflies in De Wieden]. Ver.
Natuurmonumenten, 's-Graveland. Vol. 1 (text) vi+68 pp.,
Vol. 2 (maps): 2 pp. + 25 maps [O & B Rep. No. 97-01].
- (11442) The DRAGON-FLIER. Newsletter of
the Ohio Odonata Society, Columbus, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Apr.
- (11443) DRAGONFLY RECORDER. Newsletter
of the ORS, No. 17 (Spring, 1997).
- (11444) [DUNN, G.A.], 1997. The Green Darner
dragonfly. Insect World 9(3): 6-8, lay-in chart
- (11445) ERJAVECIA. [Newsletter of the
Slovene Odonatological Society], Ljubljana, No. 3 (27 Feb.
1997). (Slovene).
- (11446) FINCKE, O.M., 1997. Conflict resolution
in the Odonata: implications for understanding female mating
patterns and female choice. Biol. J. Linn. Soc.
60(2): 201-220.
- (11447) FROBEL, K. & J. WERZINGER, [Eds],
1997. Tagungsband 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft
deutschsprachiger Odonatologen, 14.-16. März 1997,
Nürnberg. GdO, Mönchengladbach. 28
- (11448) GOMPHUS. Mededelingsblad van de
belgische libellenonderzoekers - [Bulletin de liaison des
odonatologues belges], Vol. 13, No. 1/2 (Apr. 1997). (Dutch
& Fr.).
- (11449) GRACILE. [Newsletter of
Odonatology]. Published by the Kansai Research Group of
Odonatology, Osaka, No. 57 (23 March 1997). (Jap., with Engl.
- (11450) GRETHER, G.F., 1997. Survival cost of an
intersexually selected ornament in a damselfly. Proc. R.
Soc. Lond. (B) 264: 207-210.
- (11451) HOFFMANN, F., 1997. Mareld &
Drakguld. Amoeba, Amst. 71(1): 13.
- (11452) HORVÁTH, G. & D. VARJÚ,
1997. Polarization patterns of freshwater habitats recorded
by video polarimetry in red, green and blue spectral ranges
and its relevance for water detection by aquatic insects.
J. exp. Biol. 200(7): 1155-1163.
- (11453) JÖDICKE, R., 1997. Die Verbreitung
von Sympetrum sinaiticum tarraconense Jödicke (Odonata,
anisoptera: Libellulidae). Opusc. zool. flumin. 155:
1-7. (With Engl. s.).
SOCIETY, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Apr. 1997).
- (11455) KETELAAR, R., 1997. Handleiding
libellenmonitoring. - [Dragonfly monitoring manual]. De
Vlinderstichting, Wageningen. 14 pp. (Dutch).
- (11456) KETELAAR, R., 1997. Handleiding
waarnemingen Nederlandse libellen. - [Manual for dragonfly
observations in the Netherlands]. De Vlinderstichting,
Wageningen. 30 pp. (Dutch).
- (11457) KIMMINSIA. Newsletter of the
U.K. National Office of the International Odonatological
Society (SIO), vol. 8, No. 1 (May 1997).
- (11458) KOPERSKI, P., 1997. Changes in feeding
behaviour of the larvae of the damselfly Enallagma
cyathigerum in response to stimuli from predators. Ecol.
Ent. 22(2): 167-175.
- (11459) LAND, M.F., 1997. Visual acuity in
insects. Annu. Rev. Ent. 42: 147-177.
Société française
d'odonatologie, No. 10 (15 March
- (11461) MATSUKI, K. & Y. HIROSE, 1997.
Morphological notes on larval labia of Libellula
quadrimaculata asahinai in Hokkaido, Japan. Nature &
Insects 32(2): 27-32. (Jap., with Engl.
- (11462) MATTILA, K., 1997.
Hyönteistiedonannot 1996. - [Insect records 1996].
Diamina 6: 39-41. (Finn.).
- (11463) McCOLLUM, S.A. & J.D. LEIMBERGER,
1997. Predator-induced morphological changes in an amphibian:
predation by dragonflies affects tadpole shape and color.
Oecologia 109(4): 615-621.
- (11464) MUZÓN, J., 1997.
Redescripción de Lestes auritus y L. paulistus y
descripción del último estadio larval de L.
undulatus (Odonata: lestidae). Revta Soc. ent.
argent. 56(1/4): 159-166. (With Engl. s.).
- (11465) MUZÓN, J. & N. VON
ELLENRIEDER, 1997. Estadios larvales de Odonata de la
Patagonia. 1. Descripción de Aeshna variegata
(Odonata: Aeshnidae). Revta Soc. ent. argent.
56(1/4): 143-146. (With Engl. s.).
SOCIETY, No. 31 (Spring 1997).
Mededelingenorgaan van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Libellenstudie, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1997); edited by V.
Mensing & K.-D. Dijkstra (Dutch).
- (11468) OTT, J., 1997. Pianificazione del
paesaggio in Germania: metodi, risultati e problemi. Atti
Convegno Ingegneria naturalistica, Pesaro, pp. 11-29, 93
- (11469) PILON, J.-G., 1997. Le monde des
libellules: un groupe d'insectes mal perçu, mais
combien utile. Bull. Entomofaune 19:
- (11470) PLANAESCHNA. Newsletter for the
members of the Odonatological Society of Osaka, No. 1 (1
March 1997). (Jap.).
- (11471) PRASAD, M., 1997. Additions to the
odonate fauna of Mizoram, northeastern India. Opusc.
zool. flumin. 154: 7-10.
- (11472) PRASAD, M., 1997. Further additions to
the odonate fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, eastern India.
Opusc. zool. flumin. 154: 1-6.
- (11473) RAMIREZ, A., 1997. Lista de especies
costaricenses del orden Odonata (Insecta) de las que se
conoce la náyade. Revta Biol. trop.
44(3)/45(1): 225-232. (With Engl. s.).
- (11474) RETTIG, K., 1997. Verbreitung und
Flugzeiten der Libellen Ostfrieslands. Beitr. Vögel-
Insektenwelt Ostfrieslands 102: 2-12.
- (11475) ROBINSON, J.V. & K.L. NOVAK, 1997.
The relationship between mating system and penis morphology
in ischnuran damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Biol.
J. Linn. Soc. 60(2): 187-200.
- (11476) SCHAEFER, M., 1997. Die Mannigfaltigkeit
von Flora und Fauna: Zur ökologischen Bedeutung der
Biodiversität. Jb. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen
1995: 58-79.
- (11477) SELIKAR, M., 1997. Fragmenti o oetu.
- [Fragments from my father's life]. Prir. Dr.
Slovenije, Ljubljana. 145 pp. (Slovene).
- (11478) SIOJA. [Information bulletin of
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Last Update: 25th July, 2005
© Günter Bechly,
Böblingen, 2005