Phylogenetic Systematics of Odonata

© Günter Bechly, Böblingen, 2007

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Phylogenetic Systematics of Euanisoptera / Neolamellida

Neolamellida BECHLY, 1996

Gomphomacromiidae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Gomphomacromia BRAUER, 1864.)

Comment: this taxon might be paraphyletic in its present composition. According to MAY (1995b) and LOHMANN (1996) Pseudocordulia had to be excluded from Gomphomacromiidae.

Valvulida LOHMANN, 1996

Pseudocorduliidae LOHMANN, 1996

(Type genus: Pseudocordulia TILLYARD, 1909.)

Trichodopalpida BECHLY, 1996

Macromiidae NEEDHAM, 1903

(Type genus: Macromia RAMBUR, 1842.)

Laterocarinida BECHLY, 1996

Austrocorduliidae BECHLY, 1996

(Type genus: Austrocordulia TILLYARD, 1909)

Comment: this taxon might be paraphyletic in its present composition.

Mediocostida BECHLY, 1996

Idionychidae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Idionyx HAGEN, 1867.)

Comment: the inclusion of the genus Macromidia is doubtful, and this genus could at best represent the sistergroup of all other Idionychidae. It cannot be excluded that Macromidia might rather be a basal Macromiidae.

Longiansida BECHLY, 1996

Idomacromiidae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Idomacromia KARSCH, 1896.)

Nesocorduliinae BECHLY, 1996

(Type genus: Nesocordulia MCLACHLAN, 1882)

Comment: although autapomorphies are not yet known this taxon is most probably monophyletic since it is mono-generic and endemic to Madagascar.

Idomacromiinae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Idomacromia KARSCH, 1896.)

Liberaponsida BECHLY, 1996

Comment: the monophyly of Liberaponsida is still somewhat unsafe, and it can not be excluded that Cordulephyidae might eventually represent the sistergroup of Idomacromiidae.

Cordulephyidae TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Cordulephya SELYS, 1870.)

Neophyinae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Neophya SELYS, 1881.)

Cordulephyinae TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Cordulephya SELYS, 1870.)

Haplohamulida BECHLY, 1996

Oxygastridae BECHLY, 1996

(Type genus: Oxygastra SELYS, 1870)

Comment: this taxon might be paraphyletic in its present composition.

Italoansida BECHLY, 1996

Corduliidae SELYS in SELYS & HAGEN, 1850

(Type genus: Cordulia [LEACH] [1815].)

Comment: since some Corduliidae share with Anauriculida the absence of cubito-anal crossveins and absence of mesotibial keels, this taxon might be paraphyletic in its present composition.

Corduliinae SELYS in SELYS & HAGEN, 1850

(Type genus: Cordulia [LEACH] [1815].)

Neurocorduliinae BECHLY, 1996

(Type genus: Neurocordulia Selys, 1871)

Comment: Aeschnosoma and Libellulosoma are sister-genera with the quadri-cellular hypertriangle of the forewings as synapomorphy.

Anauriculida BECHLY, 1996

Hemicorduliidae BECHLY, 1996

(Type genus: Hemicordulia SELYS, 1870)

Comment: although no autapomorphies are not yet known the genus Hemicordulia most probably is monophyletic.

Libellulida BECHLY, 1996

Urothemistidae LIEFTINCK, 1954

(Type genus: Urothemis BRAUER, 1868.)

Eulibellulida BECHLY, 1996

Comment: the new taxon Eulibellulida which is presently still coextensive with Libelluloidea (auct.) and Libellulidae (auct.), shall facilitate a future subdivision and phylogenetic systematisation of this diverse group into several superfamilies and families.

"Tetrathemistinae" TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Tetrathemis BRAUER, 1868.)

Comment: all mentioned characters do not belong to the groundplan of "Tetrathemistinae", but those genera of Brachydiplacinae and Tetrathemistinae that share these derived characters states might form a monophylum, while those genera that do not are of uncertain position.

Brachydiplacini TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Brachydiplax BRAUER, 1868.)

Comment: probably non-monophyletic in the present extent.

Tetrathemistini TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Tetrathemis BRAUER, 1868.)

Comment: probably non-monophyletic in the present extent; including several genera that have previously been classified in Brachydiplactinae.

"Libellulinae" LEACH, 1815

(Type genus: Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758.)

Comment: the mentioned characters are mainly synapomorphies on Libellula and Orthetrum, and may not belong to the groundplan of Libellulinae which therefore might be paraphyletic in the present extent. A distinct monophylum within Libellulinae includes all species with an reduced cubito-anal field in the hindwing and a position of the arculus distal of the second antenodal which might even be synapomorphies with Tetrathemistini.

Trithemistinae TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Trithemis BRAUER, 1868.)

Sympetrinae TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Sympetrum NEWMAN, 1833.)

Sympetrini TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Sympetrum NEWMAN, 1833.)

Leucorrhiniini TILLYARD, 1917

(Type genus: Leucorrhinia BRITTINGER, 1850.)

Palpopleurinae JACOBSON & BIANCHI, 1905

(Type genus: Palpopleura RAMBUR, 1842.)

Palpopleurini JACOBSON & BIANCHI, 1905

(Type genus: Palpopleura RAMBUR, 1842.)

Diastatopidini TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Diastatops RAMBUR, 1842.)

Onychothemistinae TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Onychothemis BRAUER, 1878.)

Rhyothemistini TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Rhyothemis HAGEN, 1867, nec Rhysthemis GRÜNBERG, 1911, incorr. subseq. spell, nec Rhyiothemis OGUMA, 1922, incorr. subseq. spell.)

Onychothemistini TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Onychothemis BRAUER, 1878.)

Zygonychina FRASER, 1957

(Type genus: Zygonyx SELYS, 1867.)

Onychothemistina TILLYARD & FRASER, 1940

(Type genus: Onychothemis BRAUER, 1878.)

Zyxommatinae JACOBSON & BIANCHI, 1905

(Type genus: Zyxomma RAMBUR, 1842.)

Pantalinae JACOBSON & BIANCHI, 1905

(Type genus: Pantala HAGEN, 1861.)

Last Update: 10th August, 2007

© Günter Bechly, Böblingen, 2007