Odonatological Bibliography

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O'CARROLL, D. (1993): Feature-detecting neurons in dragonflies. - Nature (London), 362(6420): 541-543.

O'DONNELL, S. (1996): Dragonflies (Gynacantha nervosa Rambur) avoid wasps (Polybia aequatorialis Zavattari and Mischocyttarus sp.) as prey. - Journal of Insect Behavior, 9(1): 159-162.

OCHARAN, F.J. (1992): Odonata collected in Morocco and southern Andalucia, Spain. - Notulae Odonatologicae, 3(9): 143-145.

OGUTU OHWAYO, R. (1990): Changes in the prey ingested and the variations in the Nile perch and other fish stocks of Lake Kyoga and the northern waters of Lake Victoria (Uganda). - Journal of Fish Biology, 37(1): 55-64.

OKADA, H. & NAKASUJI, F. (1993): Comparative studies on the seasonal occurrence, nymphal development and food menu in two giant water bugs, Diplonychus japonicus Vuillefroy and Diplonychus major Esaki (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). - Researches on Population Ecology, 35(1): 15-22.

OKAMOTO, M. & YASUDA, K. & AZUMA, A. (1996): Aerodynamic characteristics of the wings and body of a dragonfly. - Journal Of Experimental Biology, 199(2): 281-294.

OLBERG, R.M. & PINTER, R.B. (1990): The effect of mean luminance on the size selectivity of identified target interneurons in the dragonfly. - Journal Of Comparative Physiology A Sensory Neural And Behavioral Physiology, 166(6): 851-856.

OLSVIK, H. (1990): Somatochlora flavomaculata, new record (Van der Linden, 1825) ( Odonata, Corduliidae) a new species to Norway. - Fauna Norvegica Series B, 37(2): 111-112.

OLSVIK, H. (1994): Epitheca bimaculata (Charpentier, 1825) (Odonata: Corduliidae) new to Norway. - Fauna Norvegica Series B, 41(2): 92-93.

OLSVIK, H. & DOLMEN, D. (1992): Distribution, habitat, and conservation status of threatened Odonata in Norway. - Fauna Norvegica Series B, 39(1): 1-21.

ONO, M. & TATENO, H. & KASE, S. (1991): Ecological studies on aquatic insects of Sukumo River and Tsubakisawa Stream in Tamagawa University forest of Hakone. - Bulletin Of The Faculty Of Agriculture Tamagawa University, (31): 189-205.

ONO, M. & TATENO, H. & KASE, S. (1991): Ecological studies on aquatic insects of Sukumo River and Tsubakisawa Stream in Tamagawa University forest of Hakone. - Bulletin Of The Faculty Of Agriculture Tamagawa University, (31): 189-205.

ORIANS, G.H. & WITTENBERGER, J.F. (1991): Spatial and temporal scales in habitat selection. - American Naturalist, 137(SUPPL.): S29-S49.

ORMEROD, S.J. & WEATHERLEY, N.S. & MERRETT, W.J. (1990): The influence of conifer plantations on the distribution of the golden ringed dragonfly Cordulegaster boltoni (Odonata) in Upland Wales (UK). - Biological Conservation, 53(4): 241-252.

ORR, A.G. (1994): Life histories and ecology of odonata breeding in phytotelmata in Bornean rainforest. - Odonatologica, 23(4): 365-377.

ORR, A.G. (1996): Territorial and courtship displays in Bornean Chlorocyphidae ( Zygoptera). - Odonatologica, 25(2): 119-141.

ORTAZ, M. (1992): Nutritional habits of fishes in a neotropical mountain river. - Biotropica, 24(4): 550-559.

ORTAZ, M. (1992): Nutritional habits of fishes in a neotropical mountain river. - Biotropica, 24(4): 550-559.

OSADA, M. & TABATA, S. (1992): Creation of natural ecosystem on the waterside space through inhabitant environment of dragonflies: A case of Honmoku Public Park in Yokohama City, Japan. - Technical Bulletin Of Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University, (46): 35-45.

OSBORN, R. & SAMWAYS, M.J. (1996): Determinants of adult dragonfly assemblage patterns at new ponds in South Africa. - Odonatologica, 25(1): 49-58.

OTTOLENGHI, C. (1988): Contribution to the knowledge of the odonate fauna of Greece. - Bollettino Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Verona, 15: 231-242.

OTTOLENGHI, C. (1991): Taxonomic notes on some Italian Odonata. - Notulae Odonatologicae, 3(7): 101-108.

OWEN, D.F. (1993): Orthetrum austeni (Kirby), a specialist predator of butterflies ( Anisoptera: Libellulidae). - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(2): 34-35.

PAINTER, M.K. & TENNESSEN, K.J. & RICHARDSON, T.D. (1996): Effects of repeated applications of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis on the mosquito predator Erythemis simplicicollis ( Odonata: Libellulidae) from hatching to final instar. - Environmental Entomology, 25(1): 184-191.

PALMER, R.W. & PALMER, A.R. (1995): Impacts of repeated applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis de Barjac and Temephos, used in blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) control, on macroinvertebrates in the middle Orange River, South Africa. - Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 21(1-2): 35-55.

PAPAZIAN, M. (1994): Predation and Odonata. - Entomologiste, 50(5): 297-303.

PAPAZIAN, M. (1994): The influence of wind on the behavior of Odonata. - Entomologiste, 50(2): 89-98.

PAPAZIAN, M. (1995): Systematic and biogeography of Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782) in Provence (France) (Odonata, Zygoptera). - Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 100(4): 361-376.

PAPAZIAN, M. (1995): Odonata from Camargue. - Entomologiste, 51(3): 117-128.

PAPAZIAN, M. & NEL, A. (1989): Decouverte d'une aile de libellule fossilisee dans le travertin d'Auriol (Bouches-du-Rhone, France) (Odonata, Aeshnidae) / Translated Title: Discovery of a wing of a fossilized dragonfly ( Odonata, Aeshnidae) in the Auriol Travertine, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. - Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle.Section C: Sciences de la Terre: Paleontologie, Geologie, Mineralogie.11; 3, : 141-144.

PAPAZIAN, M. & NEL, A. (1989): A fossil dragonfly wing discovered in the travertine of Auriol ( Bouches-du-Rhone, France) (Odonata, Aeshnidae). - Bulletin Du Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle Section C Sciences De La Terre Paleontologie Geologie Mineralogie, 11(3): 141-144.

PARKER, M.S. (1994): Feeding ecology of stream-dwelling Pacific giant salamander larvae (Dicamptodon tenebrosus). - Copeia, 1994(3): 705-718.

PARKER, M.S. (1994): Feeding ecology of stream-dwelling Pacific giant salamander larvae (Dicamptodon tenebrosus). - Copeia, 1994(3): 705-718.

PARR, M.J. & PARR, M. (1996): Risky gleaning behaviour by Ischnura elegans (Vander L.) ( Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(7): 124

PASHLEY, D.P. & MCPHERON, B.A. & ZIMMER, E.A. (1993): Systematics of holometabolous insect orders based on 18S ribosomal RNA. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2(2): 132-142.

PASHLEY, D.P. & MCPHERON, B.A. & ZIMMER, E.A. (1993): Systematics of holometabolous insect orders based on 18S ribosomal RNA. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2(2): 132-142.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PASS, G. (1991): Antennal circulatory organs in Onychophora, Myriapoda and Hexapoda: Functional morphology and evolutionary implications. - Zoomorphology, 110(3): 145-164.

PATERSON, M.J. (1994): Invertebrate predation and the seasonal dynamics of microcrustacea in the littoral zone of a fishless lake. - Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Supplementband, 99(1-2): 1-36.

PAUL, J. (1995): Overwintering orthoptera and other insects in Crete. - Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 107(9-10): 221-223.

PAULSON, D.R. (1994): Two new species of Coryphaeschna from Middle America, and a discussion of the red species of the genus (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). - Odonatologica, 23(4): 379-398.

PAWELKA, H. (1989): Survey, evaluation and restoration plan of a "secondhand habitat": The example of the sand pit area "Quarzitwerke Gambach" in the Wetterau district. - Beitraege Zur Naturkunde Der Wetterau, 9(2): 133-192.

PAYNE, R.G. & SCHUSTER, G.A. (1993): The dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Buck Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky. - Entomological News, 104(4): 165-170.

PAYNE, R.G. & SCHUSTER, G.A. (1995): Aspects of the dragonfly and damselfly (Odonata) community of Buck Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky. - Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science, 56(12): 41-46.

PECILE, I. (1988): Notes on the odonate community of the Ragogna Lake (northeastern Italy). - Gortania Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 10: 193-204.

PECILE, I. (1990): The odonatofauna of some marshy environments in the Friuli-V.Giulia Alps and pre-Alps (NorthEastern Italy). - Gortania Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 12: 305-311.

PECK, S.B. (1992): The dragonflies and damselflies of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador ( Insecta, Odonata). - Psyche, 99(4): 309-321.

PECKHAM, M. & WHITE, D.C.S. (1991): Mechanical properties of demembranated flight muscle fibers from a dragonfly. - Journal Of Experimental Biology, 159: 135-148.

PEDERSEN, H. & HOLMEN, M. (1994): Protected insects in Denmark: Part 4. Dragonflies. - Entomologiske Meddelelser, 62(2): 33-58.

PEMBERTON, R.W. (1995): Catching and eating dragonflies in Bali and elsewhere in Asia. - American Entomologist, 41(2): 97-99.

PENNINGTON, M.G. (1995): The common blue damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum and other Odonata records in Shetland. - Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 107(7-8): 165-170.

PERCIVAL, T.J. & CLOPTON, R.E. & JANOVY, J., JR. (1995): Two new menosporine gregarines, Hoplorhynchus acanthatholius N.Sp. and Steganorhynchus dunwoodyi N.G., N.Sp. (Apicomplexa : Eugregarinorida: Actinocephalidae) from coenagrionid damselflies ( Odonata: Zygoptera). - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 42(4): 406-410.

PEREZ, D.V. & MUTSCHKE, O.E. (1993): The species of Aeshna fabricius (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) in the Magellan Region. - Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia Serie Ciencias Naturales, 22: 63-68.

PERRY, S.J. & MILLER, P.L. (1991): The duration of the stages of copulation in Enallagma cyathigerum ( Charpentier) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). - Odonatologica, 20(3): 349-356.

PETERS, G. (1989): Patterns of variability of atavistic structures in the wing venation of Aeshna grandis (insecta, odonata: Aeshnidae). - Entomologische Abhandlungen, 52(4-7): 109-112.

PETERS, H.P.J. (1994): Presence of exuviae as an indication of successful reproduction of dragonflies (Odonata) in the "Overasseltse- en Hatertse vennen". - Entomologische Berichten, 54(6): 123-127.

PETERSON, A.G. & BULL, C.M. & WHEELER, L.M. (1992): Habitat choice and predator avoidance in tadpoles. - Journal Of Herpetology, 26(2): 142-146.

PETRYSZAK, A. & FUDALEWICZ NIEMCZYK, W. (1992): External proprioceptors in legs of various functions of insects of lower orders. - Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia, 34-35: 1-11.

PICKUP, J. & THOMPSON, D.J. (1990): The effects of temperature and prey density on the development rates and growth of damselfly larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera). - Ecological Entomology, 15(2): 187-200.

PILON, J.G. (1994): Larval morphology of Enallagma carunculatum Morse (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). - Odonatologica, 23(2): 133-147.

PILON, J.G. & PILON, L. & CARON, E. (1995): Influence of some meteorological conditions on the flight activity of Libellula julia Uhler in the Lower Laurentides, Quebec, Canada ( Anisoptera: Libellulidae). - Odonatologica, 24(4): 473-482.

PILON, J.G. & PILON, S. (1994): Notes on diurnal activity of Lestes eurinus Say in Quebec, Canada ( Zygoptera:Lestidae). - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(3): 54-55.

PILON, J.G. & PILON, S. & LAGACE, D. (1993): Structure and characterisation of the adult odonate community of a marsh in the bioclimatic zone of the maple-hickory forest of Quebec, Canada. - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(2): 23-29.

PLATT, A.P. & HARRISON, S.J. (1994): Anax junius (Dru.) attracted to light at night (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(4): 70-72.

PLATT, A.P. & HARRISON, S.J. (1995): Robber fly and trout predation on adult dragonflies (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) and first records of Aeshna umbrosa from Wyoming. - Entomological News, 106(5): 229-236.

PLOTNIKOVA, S.I. (1989): Dorsal connective axons in the subesophageal ganglion of insects. - Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii I Fiziologii, 25(4): 525-531.

POLCYN, D.M. (1994): Thermoregulation during summer activity in Mojave Desert dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera). - Functional Ecology, 8(4): 441-449.

POLCYN, D.M. (1990): Evolutionary ecology of Mojave Desert dragonflies. in: Abstracts of papers presented at the Mojave Desert Quaternary Research Center fourth annual symposium. - Quarterly of San Bernardino County Museum Association, 37(2): 33; ISSN: 0195-864X.

POLLARD, J.B. & BERRILL, M. (1992): The distribution of dragonfly nymphs across a pH gradient in south-central Ontario lakes. - Canadian Journal Of Zoology, 70(5): 878-885.

PONOMARENKO, A.G. (1992): Neuroptera (Insecta) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, (3): 43-50.

POPESCU GORJ, A. (1989): Sympetrum pedemontanum (Allioni) (Odonata, Anisoptera) found in the plain regions of southern Romania. - Travaux Du Museum D'Histoire Naturelle 'Grigore Antipa', 30: 67-70.

POPHAM, E.J. & BEVANS, E. (1979): Functional Morphology of the Feeding Apparatus in Larval and Adult Aeshna juncea (L.) (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). - Odonatologica, 8(4): 301-318.

POWER, M.E. (1992): Habitat heterogeneity and the functional significance of fish in river food webs. - Ecology, 73(5): 1675-1688.

POWER, M.E. (1992): Habitat heterogeneity and the functional significance of fish in river food webs. - Ecology, 73(5): 1675-1688.

PRASAD, M. & VARSHNEY, R.K. (1995): A check-list of the Odonata of India including data on larval studies. - Oriental Insects, 29: 385-428.

PRASAD, R. & THOMAS, K.I. (1992): C-band pattern homogeneity in dragonflies. - Caryologia, 45(1): 57-68.

PREMA, S. & JANARDANAN, K.P. (1991): Morphology and life cycles of two new species of cephaline gregarines (Apicomplexa: Cephalina) from odonate insects in Kerala, India. - Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae, 55(1-2): 60-64.

PRENDERGAST, J.R. & QUINN, R.M. & LAWTON, J.H. & EVERSHAM, B.C. & GIBBONS, D.W. (1993): Rare species, the coincidence of diversity hotspots and conservation strategies. - Nature (London), 365(6444): 335-337.

PRETE, F.R. & MAHAFFEY, R.J. (1993): Appetitive responses to computer-generated visual stimuli by the praying mantis Sphodromantis lineola (Burr.). - Visual Neuroscience, 10(4): 669-679.

PRETE, F.R. & PLACEK, P.J. & WILSON, M.A. & MAHAFFEY, R.J. & NEMCEK, R.R. (1993): Stimulus speed and order of presentation effect the visually released predatory behaviors of the praying mantis Sphodromantis lineola (Burr.). - Brain Behavior and Evolution, 42(6): 281-294.

PRITCHARD, G. (1991): Insects in thermal springs. - Memoirs Of The Entomological Society Of Canada, (155): 89-106.

PRITCHARD, G. (1996): The life history of a tropical dragonfly: Cora marina (Odonata: Polythoridae) in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. - Journal Of Tropical Ecology, 12(4): 573-581.

PRITCHARD, G. & HARDER, L.D. & MUTCH, R.A. (1996): Development of aquatic insect eggs in relation to temperature and strategies for dealing with different thermal environments. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 58(2): 221-244.

PRITCHARD, G. & HARDER, L.D. & MUTCH, R.A. (1996): Development of aquatic insect eggs in relation to temperature and strategies for dealing with different thermal environments. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 58(2): 221-244.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1966): Novyye strekozy iz yurskikh otlozheniy khrebta Karatau / Translated Title: New dragonflies from the Jurassic deposits of the Karatau range, USSR. - Mosk. Obshchest. Ispyt.Prir., Byull., Otd. Geol. 41(6): 137.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1968): Strekozy Karatau (Odonata) / Translated Title: Dragonflies from Karatau. p. 26-54 in: Yurskiye nasekomyye Karatau.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1977): Novyye strekozy iz nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Zabaykal'ya i Mongolii / Translated Title: New dragonflies from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Transbaikalia and Mongolia. in: Fauna, flora i biostratigrafiya Mezozoya i Kainozoya Mongolii. - Trudy - Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Nauchno-Issledovatel'skaya Geologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, 4: 81-96; ISSN: 0203-3070.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1981): Geologicheskaya isotoriya i osnovnyye momenty filogeneza strekoz / Translated Title: Geologic history and principal moments of the phylogeny of dragonflies. in: Zhizn' na drevnykh kontinentakh, yeye stanovleniye i razvitiye / Translated Title: Life on old continents; its future and evolution. - Trudy Sessii - Vsesoyuznoye Paleontologicheskoye Obshchestvo, 23: 141-146.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1990): Strekozy; Libellulida / Translated Title: Dragonflies; Libellulida. in: Pozdne-mezozoyskiye nasekomyye Vostochnogo Zabaykal'ya / Translated Title: Upper Mesozoic insects of eastern Transbaikalia. - Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta, 239: 205-207; ISSN: 0376-1444.

PRITYKINA, L.N. (1990): Strekozy i stratigrafiya mela / Translated Title: Dragonflies and Cretaceous stratigraphy. p. 30-37 in: KRASILOV, V.A. (ED.) Kontinental'nyy mel SSSR; sbornik nauchnykh trudov / Translated Title: Continental Cretaceous of the USSR; a collection of scientific works. Izdatel'stvo Akademiya Nauk: Vladivostok, Russian Federation.

PROESS, R. (1993): The dragonflies from two ponds in Eischtal (Luxembourg). - Bulletin de la Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois, (94): 173-187.

PUJOL LUZ, J.R. (1990): Description of the larva of Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert, 1898) (Odonata: Libellulidae). - Revista Brasileira De Biologia, 50(2): 487-490.

PUJOL LUZ, J.R. (1993): A new species of the genus Zenithoptera Bates, in Selys, 1869: ( Odonata, Libellulidae, Palpopleurinae). - Revista Brasileira De Biologia, 53(1): 1-6.

PUJOL LUZ, J.R. (1995): Nomenclatural notes on the genus Zenithoptera Bates in Selys, 1869 and on Z. fasciata (L., 1758) versus Z. americana (L., 1758) ( Anisoptera: Libellulidae). - Odonatologica, 24(2): 229-235.

RAINERI, V. & FERRANDO, L. (1995): The odonatological collection of Felice Capra (Insecta, Odonata). - Doriana, 6(290): 1-6.

RAITANIEMI, J. (1995): The growth of young pike in small Finnish lakes with different acidity-related water properties and fish species composition. - Journal of Fish Biology, 47(1): 115-125.

RAJENDRAM, G.F. & DEVARAJAH, F.R. (1990): Survey of some rice insect pests and their predators in three districts of Sri Lanka. - Journal Of The National Science Council Of Sri Lanka, 18(1): 79-92.

RAMIREZ ULATE, A. & NOVELO GUTIERREZ, R. (1994): Megapodagrionidae (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Mexico and Central America: I. The naiads of Philogenia carrillica, Philogenia peacocki, and Philogenia terraba. - Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie, (63): 61-73.

RAMIREZ, A. (1992): Description and natural history of Costa Rican dragonfly larvae: 1. Heteragrion erythrogastrum Selys, 1886 (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae). - Odonatologica, 21(3): 361-365.

RAMIREZ, A. (1994): Description and natural history of odonate naiads of Costa Rica: II. Archilestes neblina (Garrison, 1982) (Odonata, Lestidae), with a key for the species of the genus in Costa Rica. - Folia Entomologica Mexicana, (90): 9-16.

RAMIREZ, A. (1996): Six new dragonfly larvae of the family Gomphidae in Costa Rica, with a key to the Central American genera (Anisoptera). - Odonatologica, 25(2): 143-156.

RANNER, A. & KARNER, E. (1993): Damselflies as temporary food of tree sparrows (Passer montanus). - Egretta, 36(2): 90-91.

REHFELDT, G. (1992): Impact of predation by spiders on a territorial damselfly (Odonata : Calopterygidae). - Oecologia, Berlin [u.a.], 89(4): 550-556.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1989): The influence of male interference on female perching behavior before and during oviposition in libellulid dragonflies ( Anisoptera). - Odonatologica, 18(4): 365-372.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1990): Anti-predator strategies in oviposition site selection of Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Zygoptera: Odonata). - Oecologia, Berlin [u.a.], 85(2): 233-237.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1991): The upright male position during oviposition as an anti-predator response in Coenagrion puella (L.) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). - Odonatologica, 20(1): 69-74.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1991): Site-specific mate-finding strategies and oviposition behavior in Crocothemis erythraea (Brulle) (Odonata: Libellulidae). - Journal of Insect Behavior, 4(3): 293-304.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1993): Heterospecific tandem formation in Sympetrum depressiusculum ( Selys) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). - Odonatologica, 22(1): 77-82.

REHFELDT, G.E. (1996): Copulation, oviposition site selection and predation risk in the dragonfly species Crocothemis erythraea (Odonata: Libellulidae). - Entomologia Generalis, 20(4): 263-270.

REHFELDT, G.E. & KESERU, E. & WEINHEBER, N. (1993): Opportunistic exploitation of prey in the libellulid dragonfly Orthetrum cancellatum (Odonata: Libellulidae). - Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung Fuer Systematik Oekologie Und Geographie Der Tiere, 120(4): 441-451.

REINHARDT, K. (1992): Observations of dragonfly (Odonata) at running waters in the Georgian Republic. - Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 36(4): 243-248.

REINHARDT, K. (1994): Survival of adult Somatochlora arctica (Zetterstedt), a dragonfly summer species, on snowfields (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). - Notulae Odonatologicae, 4(4): 63-66.

REISS, T. (1990): Dragonflies of Canton Basel-land, Switzerland (Odonata). - Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel, 40(1-2): 2-7.

RESETARITS, W.J.J. & WILBUR, H.M. (1991): Calling site choice by Hyla chrysoscelis: Effect of predators, competitors, and oviposition sites. - Ecology, 72(3): 778-786.

RICHARDS, S.J. & BULL, C.M. (1990): Size-limited predation on tadpoles of three Australian frogs. - Copeia, 1990(4): 1041-1046.

RICHARDSON, J.M.L. & ANHOLT, B.R. (1995): Ontogenetic behaviour changes in larvae of the damselfly Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). - Ethology, 101(4): 308-334.

RICHARDSON, J.M.L. & BAKER, R.L. (1996): Function of abdomen wave behavior in larval Ischnura verticalis ( Odonata: Coenagrionidae). - Journal of Insect Behavior, 9(2): 183-195.

RICHARDSON, S. & JANOVY, J.J. (1990): Actinocephalus carrilynnae, new species (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinorida) from the blue damselfly, Enallagma civile (Hagen). - Journal Of Protozoology, 37(6): 567-570.

RIEK, E.F. (1954): A second specimen of the dragon-fly Aeschnidiopsis flindersiensis ( Woodward) from the Queensland Cretaceous. - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 79: 3-4.

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© Günter Bechly, Böblingen, 2005