© Günter Bechly, Böblingen, 2005
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General information about
Phylogenetic System of fossil and
recent Odonatoptera
(updated extract of PETALURA spec. vol. 2, 1996)
Odonatological Bibliography (about
1.300 references, mainly from 1990-96) (3 files a 100
Synoptic Time Table of Earth
History, with special reference to fossil odonates (148
Photos of fossil and recent
Membership Application:
If you would like to become a member of SGSPO, please send your application by email to SGSPO with the following data:
Submission of manuscripts for PETALURA:
Petalura is the electronic online journal of the SGSPO. Papers in Petalura are regular publications. Although they are generally refereed, they can be published much faster than in printed journals. Furthermore you have the possibility to include color illustrations without extra cost, and even small animations, video-clips or sound-records would be possible. New taxonomic names on the species-, genus- or family-group level should not be published in Petalura. If you would like to publish a paper in Petalura please submit your manuscript by email to SGSPO or send a PC-formatted 3,5"-diskette to: The Editor of Petalura, c/o Günter Bechly, Breslauer Str. 30, D-71034 Böblingen, Germany. The files should be preferably formatted as WinWord-documents or as ASCII-text. You can of course also submit the manuscript as HTML-file. Illustrations can either be submitted as graphic-files (preferably JPEG- or GIF-format), but you can also send them as camera-ready hard copies. PC-formatted 3,5"-diskettes with all issues of Petalura and an offline-version of the complete SGSPO-website and "Phylogeny of Odonata"-website as HTML-files are available for a prepayment of 15,- DM from the Editor of Petalura (including surface mail). Please note: there are no free reprints, and hard-copies of Petalura are no longer available!
IORI - email-directory of
Ode News - links to odonatological
Last Update: 25th July, 2005
© Günter Bechly, Böblingen, 2005